Peak of Agrianita Day 2024: Awarding and Showing Chic Dishes

Peak of Agrianita Day 2024: Awarding and Showing Chic Dishes

Puncak Agrianita Day 2024 Pemberian Penghargaan dan Tampilkan Sajian Apik

A very nicely organized event was successfully presented by Agrianita IPB University in the Agrianita Day 2024 event held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), IPB Dramaga Campus. The Chief Executive of Agrianita Day 2024, Dian Wahyu Novitasari opened and read the report of the implementation of Agrianita Day 2024.

“Agrianita Day is an event that becomes a moment to celebrate togetherness and collaboration that is built based on a common goal to provide the best role as women, the big family of IPB University and part of the community,” she said.

She continued, the series of Agrianita Day 2024 activities began with a health check-up followed by a cooking competition for dessert creations made from calina papaya and purple sweet potato which was organized with the full support of the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) of IPB University. In addition to the cooking competition, there was also a photography competition with the theme “inspiring women” which was attended by more than 100 participants from various circles.

“Today we will witness together the submission of appreciation and awarding which will be enlivened by the neat presentation of various artistic and cultural performances presented by members of Agrianita and TK Agriananda. “Hopefully what has been done seriously can be beneficial and provide happiness on a broad scale,” said Dian.

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria who also attended the activity said that, “Agrianita Day is an important annual event to be able to make efforts to accumulate programs which of course I appreciate because it has been very productive and a lot of work is given as well as the benefits carried out in the framework of the progress of IPB University,” he said.

He revealed, with the welfare program from Agrianita, IPB University has been able to provide scholarships to 800 children of education personnel (tendik). Agrianita also has a foster parent program and has successfully delivered its foster children to the college level.

“Agrianita has three values, namely discipline, creativity and independence. The three values, in my opinion, are extraordinary because they can be the capital to step well. The factor that is no less important is the support of life partners, because one of the factors that determine the progress of IPB University is Agrianita, which has been able to fill the holes in the shortcomings of IPB University, ” said Prof Arif.

Chairperson of Agrianita IPB University, Retna Widayawati explained, Agrianita IPB University is a social organization consisting of female lecturers and education staff, which puts forward work programs that lead to aspects of education, women’s empowerment and community service.

“The theme of Agrianita’s 2024 work is Productive Agrianita, which broadly implies that Agrianita administrators are able to optimize individual performance and increase the effectiveness of their performance as part of a team, and continue to spur themselves to always be active in producing useful work programs through the concept of smart and independent work,” explained Neno, her nickname.

“Thank you for the positive and impressive performance of Agrianita faculties/schools and work units in 2023 for successfully playing a strategic role in creating positive changes in their respective environments, successfully organizing quality, useful and positive impact programs and successfully collaborating with various parties to achieve organizational goals,” said the Chairperson of Agrianita IPB University.

The event was more lively with dance performances from Agriananda, kolintang and angklung performances from Agrianita, as well as the awarding of various competitions such as the Agrianita Gardening Movement, Instagram challenge, photography competition, cooking competition, as well as a very lively bazaar. (Lp) (IAAS/Ard)