Merchants Must Know, Here Are Tips to Increase Qurbani Price from IPB University Experts

Merchants Must Know, Here Are Tips to Increase Qurbani Price from IPB University Experts

Pedagang Wajib Tahu, Ini Tips Tingkatkan Harga Jual Kurban dari Pakar IPB University

Muslims will soon celebrate Eid-ul-Adha. The Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs has set this year”s Eid al-Adha to fall on Monday, 17 June 2024. Even so, at this time, traders/breeders have begun to sell their qurbani animals.

Dr Lilis Khotijah, IPB University Animal Science Expert, gave some tips to ensure the quality of the qurbani animals so that they can increase their selling price.

She reminded the farmers to ensure the quality of the qurbani animals is maintained. “Farmers must know the age requirements of the sacrificial animals in accordance with Islamic law, such as sheep and goats that are at least 1 year old and cattle that are at least 2 years old. The animals must also meet the safe, healthy, whole, and halal (ASUH) standards,” explained Dr Lilis.

In addition, she said, farmers also need to understand the market demand for sacrificial animals in a particular region. That way, they can adjust the animals sold according to the needs of the community.

Dr Lilis said farmers also need to consider the origin of the livestock. This factor affects the cost of raising the animals before they are sold. “Feeder animals imported from outside the region need to go through a conditioning process, which is the phase of adaptation of livestock to the new environment, including in terms of feeding and environmental temperature,” she explained.

The time gap between the purchase of feeders and the sale of sacrificial animals also affects the selling price. The lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, suggested buying livestock long before the sale to maximise profits. Buying livestock too close to the selling period can reduce farmers’ profits.

During the rearing period, farmers are advised to pay attention to the health of the livestock and the environment, including giving dewormers and vitamins to maintain the health of the livestock before sale.

“In the first month of rearing, forage feed can be given. However, to improve the physical quality of livestock, quality feed is important, such as adding energy source feed in the form of concentrates and vitamins to improve livestock performance. The addition of feed gradually by increasing the concentrate ratio is best advised one or two months before the sale period,” said Dr Lilis.

Regarding the health maintenance of feeder livestock, she suggests that the fleece be sheared, the livestock bathed, and the nails trimmed regularly to be maintained In addition, it is important to attach a Certificate of Animal Health (SKKH) as proof that the livestock being sold is indeed healthy, which also affects the selling price.

Dr Lilis Khotijah also advised novice farmers to start with small ruminants such as goats and sheep. Beginner farmers can start with a small scale while learning maintenance management, health management, feeding, cattle pen management and marketing techniques.

“Do not focus on maximum profit, but rather on the sustainability of the livestock business,” he said. (Rani/Rz) (IAAS/RSL)