Marsha, IPB Vocational School Accounting Student Gains Valuable Experience at PT Honoris Industry Through MSIB

Marsha, IPB Vocational School Accounting Student Gains Valuable Experience at PT Honoris Industry Through MSIB

Marsha, Mahasiswa Akuntansi Sekolah Vokasi IPB Raih Pengalaman Berharga di PT Honoris Industry Lewat MSIB
Student Insight EN

Marsha Zahro Athirah, a student of the Accounting Study Programme at IPB University Vocational School, is now gaining valuable knowledge and experience as an Accounting Intern at PT Honoris Industry.

She got this opportunity through one of the flagship programmes of Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM), namely the Internship and Certified Independent Study (MSIB) programme. This internship experience gave Marsha many new lessons that she did not get during lectures, as well as introducing her to the professional and dynamic world of work.

During her internship, Marsha had the opportunity to interact with professionals who work quickly and meticulously. She felt lucky to have a mentor who was very communicative, so she did not feel awkward to ask questions and learn more. ‘I tried to keep up and pay attention to their performance, and did not hesitate to ask questions if there were things I did not understand,’ Marsha said.

Marsha was also taught to understand the company’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, AXAPTA. This system is an important part of the company’s recording and reporting that has fully utilised technology. ‘”Understanding the AXAPTA system gave me new insights into how technology can simplify and speed up accounting work,” she added.

In addition, Marsha learnt a lot about accounts receivable collection procedures, accounts payable reconciliation, delivery order (DO) creation, invoice creation, and worksheet creation. She also assisted other accounting staff in tax calculations and reconciling state revenue receipt documents on import notification of goods. All these tasks made Marsha more accustomed to working in a team and more communicative in solving problems.

By joining this programme, Marsha managed to develop new competencies in both hard and soft skills. She not only gained practical knowledge, but also honed the skills and competencies needed to succeed in the accounting field.

“This internship experience enhanced my understanding of the ethical aspects of accounting. I was taught to work meticulously, carefully, and precisely,” she explained.

The internship experience at PT Honoris Industry through the MSIB programme gave Marsha the opportunity to develop herself and gain many valuable lessons. With the spirit of learning and hard work, Marsha proved that the internship programme can be an effective bridge between the academic world and the world of work. ‘I am very grateful to be able to join this programme, because in addition to improving my competence, this programme also enriches my experience and knowledge in accounting,’ Marsha concluded. (AKS/ASW) (IAAS/RUM)