LKST IPB University Forms Invention Commercialization Committee, Encourages Commercialization of Innovation

LKST IPB University Forms Invention Commercialization Committee, Encourages Commercialization of Innovation

LKST IPB University Bentuk Komite Komersialisasi Invensi, Dorong Komersialisasi Inovasi

As a first step in mobilizing participation and increasing cooperation in the commercialization of innovation, the Institute of Science and Technology Area (LKST) IPB University held a meeting to form the Invention Commercialization Committee (KKI). The event was attended by lecturers and practitioners who were invited with the aim of introducing the KKI function and inviting participation as part of the KKI IPB University team.

Vice Chief of LKST IPB University for Innovation Development and Technology Transfer, Dr. Tri Prartono explained, the main purpose of this activity was to introduce the function of KKI IPB University to the participants and invite them to play an active role in this committee team.

“At present, the number of innovations that have been successfully commercialized is still relatively small when compared to the number of inventions and innovations produced by IPB University. Therefore, the participation of experts is very important to provide input, review, and analysis to improve cooperation and accelerate the commercialization process of IPB University’s invention,” he explained.

An explanation related to KKI was delivered by Dr Yuni Puji Hastuti, Assistant for Management and Commercialization of Intellectual Property of LKST IPB University. He elaborated that KKI IPB University was formed based on the Decree of the Rector of IPB Number 83/IT3/KP/2019 on the Establishment of the Invention Commercialization Committee and an update to the Rector Decree Number 327 of 2021 on the establishment of the Innovation Commercialization Committee.

“One of the main targets of commercialization of innovation is based on intellectual property, both patents and copyrights. IPB University’s inventions and innovations are classified into several clusters, such as food, feed, biomedicine, information technology, advanced materials, energy, economy, and tool and machine technology,” explained Dr Yuni.

Meanwhile, she continued, the tasks and functions of the KKI team include inventorying problems related to invention commercialization at IPB University and updating the business feasibility criteria of the invention in accordance with applicable regulations. In addition, this committee was also formed to formulate and compile recommendations for invention commercialization mechanisms through startups or invention licenses.

“The recommendation is given to competent and relevant parties in the proposed business. The KKI team also conducts evaluations of IPB University innovations, and submits reports on the results of the implementation of activities to the chief of the IPB University science and technology area institution,” she added.

Thus, the formation of KKI is expected to be an effective first step in strengthening cooperation between lecturers and practitioners to increase the commercialization of inventions and innovations produced by IPB University. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Ard)