Karangpari Village Farmers Utilize the Moment of IPB Lecturers Returning Home, Consult Rice Pest Attack

Karangpari Village Farmers Utilize the Moment of IPB Lecturers Returning Home, Consult Rice Pest Attack

Petani Desa Karangpari Manfaatkan Momen Dosen IPB Pulang Kampung, Konsultasikan Serangan Hama Padi

Karangpari Village, Brebes, Central Java became the location of the implementation of IPB University’s Dosen Pulang Kampung (Dospulkam) program. The event was conducted by Dr Soni Trison, The Chairman of the Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry and Environment together with Lufthi Rusniarsyah, MSi, IPB University lecturer and plant pest and disease expert.

Lufthi Rusniarsyah gave an in-depth explanation of the various diseases that commonly infect agricultural crops. The farmers present also took advantage of this opportunity to consult directly about the condition of their rice which is currently attacked by pests. Luthfi explained the types of diseases that attack rice as well as how to prevent and eradicate them.

“Understanding the types of pests and plant diseases is very important for farmers. For example, for leafhoppers, we can use the right insecticides and apply good crop management techniques for prevention,” said Lufthi.

Dr Soni explained that the Dospulkam program has a big goal to improve the village economy through the concept of agroforestry integrated with the management of village-owned enterprises (Bumdes). In this activity, a focus group discussion (FGD) was held which was attended by village officials, Bumdes administrators, as well as farmers and breeders in Karangpari Village.

To improve the village economy, Dr Soni explained the importance of village branding as the first step to attract public visits to Karangpari Village. “By increasing the number of visits, we can drive the local economy, starting from the trade sector, animal husbandry, to tourism,” said Dr Soni.

In addition, Dr Soni also emphasized the importance of training for traders that will be facilitated by the Bumdes. “This training aims to improve the quality of products and services so that they can compete in a wider market,” he added.

One of the upcoming agendas is a series of activities to commemorate the independence of the Republic of Indonesia and cultural arts competitions at the pre-school level. These activities are expected to strengthen the sense of togetherness and increase community participation in advancing Karangpari Village.

“With this program, it is hoped that Karangpari Village can become a successful example of collaboration between academics and the community in managing village potential based on agroforestry businesses, while improving the economic welfare of the local community,” he hoped. (*/Rz) (IAAS/NYS)