IPB Vocational School Veterinary Paramedic Study Program and PDHI West Java 2 Hold Social Service for Female Cat Sterilization

IPB Vocational School Veterinary Paramedic Study Program and PDHI West Java 2 Hold Social Service for Female Cat Sterilization

Prodi Paramedik Veteriner Sekolah Vokasi IPB dan PDHI Jawa Barat 2 Gelar Bakti Sosial Sterilisasi Kucing Betina

In order to control the cat population that has the potential to disrupt public health, the Paramedic Veterinary Study Program (PVT) of IPB University Vocational School, in collaboration with the Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) West Java 2, held a social service activity of female cat sterilization (ovariohysterectomy) on Thursday (16/5).

The event, held at the Veterinary Clinic of IPB University Vocational School, not only aimed to help reduce the uncontrolled cat population but also to hone students’ practical skills in the veterinary field.

In her speech, the Vice Dean of IPB University Vocational School for Resources, Cooperation, and Development, Dr Anita Ristianingrum appreciated the activities of the IPB University PVT Study Program team. She said this activity was real proof of the responsiveness of IPB University Vocational School to animal and public health issues.

“We at IPB University Vocational School welcome and fully support this event. Through Prodi PVT, we continue to be sensitive and responsive to health issues in the community,” said Dr Anita.

Furthermore, she expressed her appreciation for the ongoing collaboration with PDHI West Java 2. “Thank you to PDHI West Java 2 for continuing to support in organizing this activity. We hope it can continue to have a wider positive impact,” said Dr Anita.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of PDHI West Java 2, drh Soenarti D Waspada, MS, MARS, emphasized the importance of raising public awareness of cat population issues.

“We hope that community service activities like this can continue to be developed by the IPB University PVT team to educate the community and ensure that the cat population remains under control, which not only benefits public health but also animal welfare,” said Dr Soenarti.

This activity went smoothly and successfully sterilised 15 cats. It is hoped that this activity can make a significant contribution to controlling the cat population.

With this success, IPB University Vocational School and PDHI West Java 2 are committed to continuing and expanding similar activities in the future, as part of their social responsibility and commitment to applicable and useful veterinary education. (ASW/Rz) (IAAS/PRP)