IPB Vocational School Sukabumi Campus Collaborates with Local Farmers to Develop Sustainable Agricultural Land

IPB Vocational School Sukabumi Campus Collaborates with Local Farmers to Develop Sustainable Agricultural Land

Sekolah Vokasi IPB Kampus Sukabumi Gandeng Petani Lokal Berkolaborasi Kembangkan Lahan Pertanian Berkelanjutan

The Vocational School of IPB University Sukabumi Campus signed a collaboration with local farmers who cultivate land around the campus, (11/5). This collaboration is an effort to improve the integration between education and agricultural practices for effective and sustainable agricultural land management around the campus.

In his speech, Vice Manager of IPB Vocational School Sukabumi Campus, Dr Andri Iskandar said that this cooperation agreement was one of the efforts in structuring land and assets owned by IPB University. “Thus, it will not only provide benefits for the campus, but also for the farmers who work on the land, as well as the surrounding community,” said Dr Andri.

Meanwhile, Vice Dean of IPB Vocational School for Resources, Cooperation, and Development, Dr Anita Ristianingrum appreciated the partner farmers involved in asset management at IPB University. “We really appreciate the tenant farmers who are present and involved in this collaboration. The hope is that this cooperation agreement will certainly have a positive impact in various aspects, especially of course on improving the welfare of farmers around SV IPB Sukabumi Campus,” said Dr Anita.

This agreement is expected to be a model for similar cooperation in the future. Not only that, this collaboration is also expected to strengthen the relationship between educational institutions and local communities, as well as promote a sustainable approach to natural resource management, especially in the environment of IPB University Vocational School.

This activity was also attended by the Deputy Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development (SKP) of IPB Vocational School, Dr Anita Ristianingrum; Vice Dean for Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni (AKA) IPB, Dr Rina Martini; Vice Manager of SV IPB Sukabumi Campus, Dr Andri Iskandar; Chairperson of the International Cooperation and Reputation Commission, Dr Aidil Azhar. This activity was also attended by 17 partner farmers who will work on 6 hectares of rice fields owned by SV IPB University. (AIS/ASW/ra) (IAAS/NYS).