IPB University Vocational School Organizes Pre-Workshop K2020 Block System for Applied Undergraduate Program

In an effort to improve the quality of education through in-depth preparation and curriculum synchronization, the Vocational School (SV) of IPB University held the K2020 Pre-Workshop of Block System of Applied Undergraduate Program on Friday, 17/5, in the Ballroom of Startup Center Building 5th Floor, IPB Taman Kencana Campus. This event aims to understand the structure, methods and objectives of the block system, so that study programs can prepare learning more effectively.
In his remarks Prof Deni Noviana as Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, explained that the basic foundation of transformation from D3 to D4 Applied Bachelor is through the implementation of the K2020 Curriculum.
“The K2020 curriculum is the basis for developing practicum lectures and learning methods. The development of prepared competencies will ensure that the elevation runs smoothly at IPB University Vocational School,” said Prof Deni.
Furthermore, Prof Deni highlighted that the curriculum being designed is expected to not only make work easier but also increase the relevance of vocational education to industry needs.
“This curriculum does not make work difficult, instead it makes it easier and in accordance with industry needs. The first Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is how graduates can work in less than one year. We also focus on Past Learning Recognition for multi strata, especially D4, which has great potential,” he said.
On the same occasion, the Dean of Vocational School, Dr Aceng Hidayat, expressed his gratitude for the support and assistance from the Directorate of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology (DTPTP) and the Directorate of Educational Administration.
“We are very grateful for the assistance provided. Through this pre-workshop, we hope to change the mindset of lecturers in teaching techniques and systematization of the teaching and learning process. Our agenda after the Applied Bachelor Block System is completed is to complete the facilities and infrastructure for lectures and practicums,” said Dr Aceng.
Furthermore, Dr Aceng emphasized that the implementation of the Block System must be able to reflect the distinctiveness of Vocational Schools and not be constrained by information technology (IT) problems. Dr Aceng mentioned the importance of IT that is flexible and adapts to the needs of the learning system, so that the teaching and learning process can run effectively and efficiently.
“The Block System must reflect the distinctiveness of Vocational Schools, and must not be hampered by IT problems. It is precisely IT that must adjust to the learning system so that the teaching and learning process runs effectively,” said Dr Aceng Hidayat. (ASW/Lp) (IAAS/SNI)