IPB University Students Organize Field School: MOL Friends of Farmers

IPB University Students Organize Field School: MOL Friends of Farmers

Mahasiswa IPB University Selenggarakan Sekolah Lapang: MOL Sahabat Petani
Student Insight EN

IPB University students from the Agricultural Production Technology and Community Development Study Program of Vocational School held a “Field School: MOL Sahabat Petani” at the Ciharashas Women Farmers Group (KWT), Mulyaharja Village, Bogor City, 9/5. This activity aims to provide information on how to make and the benefits of local microorganisms (MOL) for plants.

Dr Leonard Dharmawan, IPB University lecturer, said MOL is usually used as a biofertilizer decomposer and as an organic pesticide, especially fungicide. According to him, the activities carried out by IPB University students were in accordance with their learning profile.

“The counseling is good, it runs intimately and smoothly because they have studied related subjects so it is better to facilitate the process. It is suitable to be this extension worker,” said Dr Leonard.

This field school activity was carried out in the form of material delivery by students regarding the use of MOL and also how to make it. In addition, there was also a demonstration of how to make and apply MOL to plants with the Ciharashas KWT women.
This activity is expected to have a positive impact on KWT Ciharashas, especially in the utilization of organic kitchen waste in MOL.

Chief of KWT Ciharashas, Umiyati, explained that this activity was very fun and also added knowledge related to making MOL. “It’s like we are taking care of nature, making the soil more fertile, so the plants will also be more fertile. Insha Allah, in the future we can apply it to our farm, especially to grow vegetables,” said Umiyati.

She explained that KWT Ciharashas members are mostly housewives. Thus, the members of KWT Ciharashas certainly encounter organic kitchen waste every day. In addition, KWT Ciharashas also cultivates vegetable and fruit plants in the yard around the KWT Ciharashas shelter. (/ra) (IAAS/TIR)