IPB University Students Hold Promotion and Campaign of Livestock Products

Students of the Faculty of Animal Science of IPB University who took the course Promotion and Campaign of Livestock Products successfully exhibited and sold a variety of processed animal protein products, 28/5. The exhibition, held in the Agrimart hallway of IPB University, offered a variety of processed products from meat, eggs, and milk.
Dr Iyep Komala, the exhibition coordinator explained that this activity was one of the campaigns and promotions of livestock products. He also appreciated the work of the students who processed various livestock products.
“Thank you to the students who have presented a variety of processed products from livestock products, besides being diverse, the products presented are also delicious and certainly nutritious,” said Dr Iyep Komala, IPB University lecturer from the Faculty of Animal Science.
Furthermore, Dr Iyep explained, several products produced by students have been ordered by caterers and restaurants. Not only that, some products were also ordered for resale in several places.
The Secretary General of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Animal Science (HANTER) IPB University explained that the exhibition and campaign of processed animal products had been held twice. Before the exhibition, the students were asked to make a title and proposal related to the product to be made. The proposal was then assessed by a team of course lecturers and received input related to its manufacture. For students whose proposals and product names have been approved, they can make the products and the products will be tested by the lecturer team, until they are declared saleable.
“These products are then exhibited and sold, campaigned to the public,” said Dr Iyep Komala.
He explained, in addition to holding exhibitions and campaigns, his party through HANTER IPB University also held a free egg distribution. There are at least 130 egg packages that will be distributed to the community such as cleaning teams, security, motorbike taxi bases, pedicab bases, and other people in need.
The exhibition was also enlivened with a talk show related to stunting. Dr Tuti Suryati as the Talkshow presenter said that eggs are rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals that are very good and essential for growth. Egg protein has an excellent composition of essential amino acids with a high level of digestibility.
“In addition to its high nutritional value, eggs also have a good taste, are popular with all groups, are easily available, relatively cheap, and can be processed into various types of food,” said Dr Tuti Suryati, IPB University lecturer from the Faculty of Animal Science.
She continued, these things make eggs a strategic source of nutrients to prevent stunting. According to her, stunting is characterised by a child’s height during growth that is shorter than other children their age. Not only that, stunting impacts children’s future growth, development and health, which in turn affects the quality of a country’s human resources.
Dr Tuti emphasised that Indonesia is one of the countries with a stunting problem as the stunting cases are still above 20 per cent, although the stunting cases in Indonesia have decreased from 24.4 per cent in 2021 to 21.6 per cent in 2022. Stunting can be prevented by consuming eggs to fulfil the body’s nutritional needs, in addition to the consumption of fruits, vegetables and other ingredients as a source of energy.
The healthy protein movement to make people aware of the importance of consuming nutritious food ingredients, especially quality protein sources such as eggs, milk and meat, must continue to be promoted. Through a consistent healthy protein movement accompanied by the availability and ease of access for the community, it is hoped that Indonesia can get out of the stunting problem.
The exhibition and campaign of processed livestock products were also supported by BEM Faculty of Animal Science, HIMAPROTER, HIMASITER, Healthy Protein Movement (GPS) Committee, HANTER IPB, PT AS Putra Group and Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Bogor. (ra) (IAAS/RUM)