IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Plenary Meeting for Selection of New Students for Odd Semester 2024/2025

IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Plenary Meeting for Selection of New Students for Odd Semester 2024/2025

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Gelar Rapat Pleno Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru Semester Gasal 2024/2025

IPB University’s Postgraduate School (SPs) held a Plenary Meeting for the Selection of New Student Admissions (PMB) Odd Semester 2024/2025 (16/5) at the Dramaga Campus. This plenary meeting was attended by the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Deans, Vice Deans of Schools and Faculties, the Director of New Student Admission and Registration (PMB) and members of the PMB team.

Prof Deni Noviana, Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs in his speech said that SPs IPB University continues to improve students in terms of quantity and quality, one of which is through accreditation of study programs (prodi). “Several study programs are currently carrying out the process of applying for the latest accreditation and hope to get even better results,” he said.

He added that related to study programs that received grants from the Directorate of International Education, IPB University, one of the outputs could be holding double degree (DD) and joint degree (JD) programs. “We hope that the DD and JD programs can attract the interest of prospective students who will continue their studies at SPs IPB University,” he added

Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Dean of SPs IPB University, said that currently apart from opening regular routes and special classes, several study programs are also opening research routes. “With the increasing number of study programs opening registration routes, especially the research route, it can provide many choices for prospective students to register at SPs IPB University,” he added.

Meanwhile, Prof Agus Buono, Vice Dean of SPs IPB University for Academic and Student Affairs, said that currently SPs IPB University has received an ISO 21001:2018 certificate related to the implementation of the Educational Organization Management System (SMOP), both for the implementation of multidisciplinary study programs and overall academic administration services for the SPs IPB University program.

“Apart from that, it is being prepared in relation to the synergy of the master’s-doctoral program (Master’s Education towards a Superior Bachelor’s Doctorate/PMDSU, for example) which has begun to be implemented. We also hope that the study program can carry out promotions through the podcasts that we have provided, in addition to active promotions to scholarship-giving institutions and prospective students,” he explained.

Previously, SPs IPB University had carried out the online registration process for new students for the 2024/2025 odd semester phase 1 from 26 February to 30 April 2024. The results of the selection for new prospective student admissions were announced on 21 May 2024 which can be accessed via the website registration.admisi.ipb.ac.id. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/HNJ)