IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Indonesian Language Proficiency Test Simulation for International Students

IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Indonesian Language Proficiency Test Simulation for International Students

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Adakan Simulasi Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia bagi Mahasiswa Internasional

IPB University’s Postgraduate School (SPs) is holding an Indonesian Language Proficiency Test (UKBI) simulation for international students from the Developing Countries Partnership (KNB) and non-KNB scholarship programs who are continuing their studies in either master’s or doctoral programs at IPB University’s SPs. The UKBI simulation was carried out in the Library Building, IPB Dramaga Campus on 27-30/5.

Dr Defina, the Indonesian language class coordinator lecturer, said that this simulation was the first program implemented by Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) IPB University.

“These international students have been studying for one year, with this training simulation, students will be able to take the UKBI exam correctly, through training and all existing skills, and can see the types of questions, so they won’t make any more mistakes during the UKBI exam,” she said.

Dr Defina added that the target for international students in the UKBI exam would be to achieve a Semenjana predicate score (score 405-481). This predicate shows that UKBI participants are adequate in communicating using Indonesian, both orally and in writing.

“UKBI is given to international students to measure their Indonesian language skills and these results will be a guide for SPs IPB University to find out their level so they can follow the lecture process smoothly,” she added.

Meanwhile, Fatmasari Siregar, Chief of the Sub-Division of Public Relations, Cooperation and New Student Admissions (PMB) SPs IPB University said that international students from the KNB scholarship will contribute to the development of human resources (HR) in the student’s home country.

“Currently there are nine students receiving KNB scholarships in 2023 at SPs IPB University who come from Rwanda, Uganda, Yemen, Afghanistan, Solomon Islands, Sudan and Syria and have participated in the Indonesian language program at SPs IPB University for 1 year,” she added.

Fatmasari Siregar explained that KNB students in the first year are required to take part in the Indonesian language program and in the second year they are given an Indonesian cultural traveler program as preparation for studying at SPs IPB University.

“Introduction to Indonesian culture is very important so that they understand the cultures that exist in Indonesia, so that it can become a medium for promoting Indonesian culture in the international realm and will contribute to positive dynamics and cross-cultural interactions between the Indonesian academic community and international students,” she explained. (HBL/LP) (IAAS/HNJ)