IPB University Homecoming Lecturers Introduce AWS System in Pangumbahan Village, Sukabumi

IPB University Homecoming Lecturers Introduce AWS System in Pangumbahan Village, Sukabumi

Dosen Pulang Kampung IPB University Kenalkan Sistem AWS di Desa Pangumbahan, Sukabumi

IPB University lecturers through the lecturer return home program organized by the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development, introduced the AWS (Automatic Weather Station) System at the Pangumbahan Village office, Ciracap District, Sukabumi Regency, 10/5. The AWS system is a climate and water resource friendly agricultural technology.

Dr Satyanto Krido Saptomo, IPB University lecturer from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, explained that AWS is a system designed to monitor weather conditions automatically and in real-time. He said this technology is very important for farmers in managing crops more effectively and responsively to weather changes.

“Automatic Weather Station (AWS) can provide accurate data on temperature, humidity, rainfall, and other weather parameters. This data is very important for irrigation planning, fertilization, and crop protection from pests and diseases,” Dr. Satyanto explained.

With AWS, said the IPB University lecturer, farmers can access current weather information and predict future conditions. Thus, farmers can make better decisions in agricultural management. He also emphasized the importance of this technology in facing the challenges of increasingly erratic climate change.

The introduction of the AWS system was attended by farmers and local village officials. They had the opportunity to see a live demonstration of the use of AWS and get an explanation of how it works and its benefits.

Mulyana, Pangumbahan Village Head, expressed his gratitude to IPB University for bringing AWS technology to his village. “We hope this AWS technology can help our farmers to increase their yields and face the challenges of erratic weather,” he said.

He also hoped that this activity would be a starting point for the transformation of the agricultural sector in Pangumbahan Village and its surroundings. With the support of technology such as AWS, farmers can be more adaptive to climate change and more efficient in the use of water resources, so that food production can be increased sustainably. (/ra) (IAAS/NAU)