IPB University Graduate School LPDP Awardees Hold Welcoming Awardee 2024

IPB University Graduate School LPDP Awardees Hold Welcoming Awardee 2024

Awardee LPDP Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Adakan Welcoming Awardee 2024

The Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a Welcoming Awardee LPDP 2024 activity with the theme Taman Suka Cita, Fertilize Togetherness and Generate Kinship for LPDP Jaya at Mandiri Building, Dramaga Campus, Bogor recently.

This activity was attended by 109 LPDP scholarship recipient students who aimed to welcome new LPDP scholarship recipients and have started even semester lectures for the 2023/2024 academic year at SPs IPB University.

Prof Arif Satria, Rector of IPB University in a separate speech congratulated the recipients of the LPDP scholarship and the learning opportunities provided by the LPDP must be able to be utilized as well as possible in facing the increasingly rapid development of the world, and can continue to increase capacity as a student and can survive in the current development.

“With the current adequate conditions, we hope that the learning process obtained can continue to improve and IPB University is very proud to be able to accompany students in providing better learning to face the future,” he said.

Meanwhile, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Dean of SPs IPB University explained that it is important to be an active student in the teaching and learning process and can improve literacy.

“Students must be committed learners and be able to do self-introspection to improve their level. Technological advances can be double-edged, on the one hand it benefits us and on the other hand it is also a challenge for us,” he explained.

Prof Dodik added that as human learners, students must be able to pay attention to two things, namely having the motivation to be the best for themselves and being able to place themselves in society. “Being a smart student is not enough, but be smart in placing yourself and also good at seeing the current situation,” he added.

This activity also presented talk show speakers Leonardo Henry Gavanza, CFA, MBA (Chairman of Mata Garuda), Salman Al Parisi, M.M (Research Assistant of Bank Indonesia), and Samsul Mashari, SP, M.Si (Expert of Commission IV DPR RI). The talk show session contained an invitation to awardees to be active in organizations and contribute to society in undergoing academic life (HBL / LP) (IAAS/PRP)