IPB University Expert Team Visits Pulosari Village Farmers Group, Presents Environmentally Friendly Coffee Farming Techniques

IPB University Expert Team Visits Pulosari Village Farmers Group, Presents Environmentally Friendly Coffee Farming Techniques

Tim Ahli IPB University Kunjungi Kelompok Tani Desa Pulosari, Paparkan Teknik Pertanian Kopi Ramah Lingkungan

IPB University’s expert team conducted a field visit to Pulosari Village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency in the framework of the TEEBAgriFood Indonesia programme. The visit was attended by Prof R Nunung Nuryartono who is the Lead Researcher of TEEBAgriFood Indonesia along with the relevant research teams and local partners from local farmer groups.

This activity focuses on developing sustainable agriculture and improving the welfare of coffee farmers in Pulosari Village. During the visit, Prof Nunung met with members of the KNT Farmer Group represented by Tatang Supendi, as well as representatives of the Kubang Sari Forest Village Community Organisation (LMDH) represented by Rudi Sugiman.

“This activity is part of our efforts to encourage sustainable agricultural practices through the TEEBAgriFood approach. We hope to make a real contribution in improving the productivity and welfare of coffee farmers in this area,” said Prof Nunung.

TEEBAgriFood is a global initiative that aims to evaluate food and agriculture systems based on economic, social and environmental values. The programme is designed to provide guidance for better policy-making in the agricultural sector, by considering the holistic impacts of each agricultural activity.

During the visit, IPB University’s team of experts and the farmer group held in-depth discussions on environmentally friendly coffee farming techniques. They also evaluated the challenges faced by local farmers and sought solutions to improve the quality and quantity of coffee production.

Tatang Supendi, Leader of the KNT Farmer Group, expressed his appreciation for the visit. “We are very grateful for the attention and support from IPB University through the TEEBAgriFood programme. We hope this collaboration can bring positive changes to coffee farmers in Pulosari Village,” he said.

Rudi Sugiman, Chief of Kubang Sari Farmers Association, added that the collaboration with IPB University and the TEEBAgriFood programme will have a significant impact on environmental conservation and farm sustainability. “A holistic approach to agriculture is very important to ensure the sustainability of our farming business while maintaining the balance of the ecosystem,” he said.

This visit is expected to be an effort to strengthen closer cooperation between IPB University and the coffee farmer group in Pulosari Village, and encourage the creation of a sustainable and inclusive agricultural model in the region. With support from academics, practitioners and the community, Pulosari Village is expected to become a successful example of TEEBAgriFood implementation in Indonesia. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)