IPB University and INKINDO Create Experts in the World of Consulting

IPB University and INKINDO Create Experts in the World of Consulting

IPB University dan INKINDO Ciptakan Tenaga Ahli di Dunia Konsultan

IPB University and the National Association of Indonesian Consultants (INKINDO) established cooperation by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This collaboration is related to the tridharma of higher education and the development of innovation. The signing of the MoU was carried out in the Rector’s Meeting Room, IPB Dramaga Campus, (27/5).

In his remarks, Erie Heryadi, General Chair of INKINDO for the 2022-2026 period, expressed his gratitude for the collaboration that will be carried out.

“This collaboration is important for the future because it is closely related to academics. There is a problem related to very limited expert staff, so it is difficult to find certified competent experts. “Therefore, we want to have a close relationship with the campus and hope that academics can work together in the consulting world,” said Erie.

Erie continued, INKINDO held an Integrated Modern Agriculture seminar as a recommendation for the new government.

“We also have the INKINDO Academy which is a means for students to undertake internship programs, one of which is the Certified Independent Study Internship (MSIB),” said Arie.

Meanwhile, the Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, has high hopes for consulting institutions in Indonesia, especially INKINDO.

“Hopefully, through this collaboration, consulting institutions in Indonesia will become global level consultants because in my opinion the government tends to trust foreign institutions more for its strategic planning documents,” said Prof Arif.

The Rector said that quite a few IPB University lecturers became reviewers, so that collaboration could be developed to fill expert posts. “We are ready and really support the potential that can be developed, including filling capacity building,” he said. (dh/Lp) (IAAS/ASD)