Improving Graduate Competence, IPB University Vocational School Professional Certification Bodies (LSP) Signs Implementation of Work Competency Certification (PSKK) Year 2024

Improving Graduate Competence, IPB University Vocational School Professional Certification Bodies (LSP) Signs Implementation of Work Competency Certification (PSKK) Year 2024

Tingkatkan Kompetensi Lulusan, LSP Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Tandatangani PSKK Tahun 2024

IPB University Vocational School once again showed its commitment in improving the quality of Indonesia’s workforce by participating in the ‘Signing of Self-Management Agreement Letter (SPS) for the Implementation of Work Competency Certification (PSKK) Year 2024’. The event organized by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) took place at Aston Hotel, Bekasi (18/5) and was attended by representatives from various Professional Certification Bodies (LSPs) throughout Indonesia.

As one of the selected LSPs, IPB University Vocational School was present to sign this agreement. Chairman of LSP Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, Uding Sastrawan, SP, MSi stated that he was proud to get this opportunity.

“We are very proud to be part of this Implementation of Work Competency Certification (PSKK) program. The signing of this agreement is an important step in our efforts to continue to improve the competence of our graduates, so that they are ready to compete in the world of work,” said Uding on the sidelines of the event.

Furthermore, he added that through work competency certification, IPB University Vocational School not only ensures that graduates have skills that match industry standards, but also provides them with official recognition of the competencies they have.

“This is the commitment of IPB University Vocational School as one of the ways we contribute in producing a competent and professional workforce in Indonesia,” said Uding.

This signing event marks the start of the work competency certification program that will be implemented by various LSPs throughout Indonesia. IPB University Vocational School Professional Certification Bodies (LSP) will continue to innovate in teaching and training methods to ensure every learner gets knowledge and skills that are relevant to current industry needs.

“Our participation in this Implementation of Work Competency Certification (PSKK) is a concrete form of our commitment to provide high-quality and competency-based education. This PSKK is a stimulus to accelerate competency recognition,” concluded Uding.

With this activity, it is hoped that each certification body can carry out its duties in a more structured and professional manner, so that the objectives of the Implementation of Work Competency Certification (PSKK) to improve the competence of the Indonesian workforce can be achieved optimally. IPB University Vocational School Professional Certification Bodies (LSP) is committed to supporting this program wholeheartedly, in order to produce a workforce that is ready to face global challenges. (ASW/Rz) (IAAS/HLF)