Hundreds of Students of Al-Muttaqin High School Tasikmalaya Visit the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences IPB University

Hundreds of Students of Al-Muttaqin High School Tasikmalaya Visit the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences IPB University

Ratusan Siswa SMA Al-Muttaqin Tasikmalaya Kunjungi Sekolah Kedokteran Hewan dan Biomedis IPB University

School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) IPB University recently received a visit from Al-Muttaqin high school, Tasikmalaya (14/5). The visit was attended by 184 students and 12 accompanying teachers, located in the SKHB Transformation Hall, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.

The group was received directly by the Dean of SKHB IPB University, Dr drh Amrozi and Director of the Education Animal Hospital (RSHP), Prof drh Gunanti. This activity aims to increase the knowledge of high school students about the world of veterinary medicine and biomedicine, and introduce SKHB IPB University in more depth.

“SKHB University offers Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine programs, Veterinary Professional Education (PPDH) programs, as well as Postgraduate programs (Master and Doctor). All of these study programs have been accredited superior by the Higher Education Health Self-Accreditation Institute (LAM-PTKes), “said Dr Amrozi when describing the profile of SKHB IPB University.

He continued, at SKHB IPB University, the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine program achieved key indicators such as on-time graduation which reached nearly 90 percent within 4 years. In addition, SKHB IPB University has also opened a new study program for the undergraduate level, namely Biomedical Science.

Dr Amrozi also explained the various facilities available at SKHB IPB University, including lecture rooms, seminar rooms, RSHP, Laboratory Animal Management Unit (UPHL), Settlement Pest Management Study Unit (UKPHP), Rehabilitation and Reproduction Unit (URR), Education and Service Laboratories, and other supporting facilities, such as canteens, podcast studios, prayer rooms, libraries, and co-working spaces.

With this activity, it is hoped that students can better understand and be interested in the field of veterinary medicine and biomedicine, and make SKHB IPB University their first choice. (AP/Rz) (IAAS/PRP)