Historical Journey of Rubber Plantation Transformation into Academic Center, IPB University Holds GLAM EXPO

In order to improve literacy and digital transformation and commemorate the National Archives Day, the National Archives Day, the Institute for Information Management and Digital Transformation (LMITD) of IPB University held GLAM EXPO with the theme “Transformation of Rubber Plantation to Academic Center”. The opening activity of GLAM EXPO was held on 20/5 at the Library of IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.
Dr Alim Setiawan, Vice Rector of IPB University for Resource Resilience and Infrastructure who was present at the opening of the expo said that the GLAM EXPO activity was an important activity because it provided a vehicle for learning the history of IPB University which was the transformation of rubber plantations into an academic center.
“It is not only limited to the physical transformation of rubber plantations into buildings like now, but actually there is a journey starting from the development of science, academics, mindsets, ways of working that are important for people to know,” he said.
He continued, GLAM EXPO is a place that presents historical documents, so that we can relearn the reasons behind the rapid development of IPB University today, which cannot be separated from the contributions of our predecessors.
“Hopefully GLAM EXPO will be visited and utilized. It is hoped that visitors can see the transformation of the library, which has undergone major changes both in terms of physical and collections, especially digital collections, as well as virtual reality features and available archives,” said Dr Alim.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Institute for Information Management and Digital Transformation (LMITD) IPB University, Ir Julio Adisantoso, MKom revealed the reason for holding GLAM EXPO. “So far, many parties are not aware of the existence of the Institute for Information Management and Digital Transformation (LMITD) which brings together Information Technology (IT), archives, libraries and museums. We make a concept called GLAM EXPO which combines Gallery, Library, Archive and Museum by using IT technology,” he said.
He hoped that all citizens of IPB University could know the history of the beginning of the journey until the formation of the building of IPB University and its campus.
Melania Anggraini Hapsari, chairman of GLAM EXPO activities as well as library helpdesk staff said that GLAM raised the digital concept with the theme of rubber plantation transformation into an academic center. The Expo can be freely visited by IPB University residents and the general public.
“The archive content is the history of IPB University starting from the planning process, until it becomes an educational center building. There are conventional photo archives and virtual archives. There are also photo archives about the history of the construction of IPB University, cartographic archives, Virtual Campus Tour (VCT) to book grants for visitors,” said Melania. (Lp) (IAAS/HLF).