Himagreto IPB University Raises Climate Awareness by Turning Trash into Food

Himagreto IPB University Raises Climate Awareness by Turning Trash into Food

Himagreto IPB University Tingkatkan Kesadaran terhadap Iklim dengan Tukar Sampah jadi Makanan
Student Insight EN

The Agrometeorology Student Association (Himagreto) IPB University organized the ‘No Plastic’ Environmental Love Movement (Gertakan). The activity carried out by the Social and Environmental Division of Himagreto was located in the front yard of the Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University.

Asep, the person in charge of the activity, hoped that student motivation towards waste management could increase. “Hopefully this activity can increase the awareness of fellow students towards the environment. For the high enthusiasm, I also want to express my gratitude to all participants of this activity,” said Asep.

The Gertakan “Without Plastic” activity, succeeded in giving impressions and learning to the participants. Ashfiyaa Zanjabila was one of them. This Geophysics and Meteorology student of IPB University class 59 admitted that the event was very interesting. Besides being able to exchange garbage for food, there are also many prizes available.

“It was very interesting the whole series of events today. I also got a lot of insight and awareness to reduce waste. Because we can’t imagine how much waste humans produce in a day if we alone produce sacks of garbage,” said Ashfiyaa.

During the two-hour activity, the plastic waste collected reached six plastic bags. The sorting of plastic waste according to its type is the next step with the end of the waste distribution process to the waste bank so that it can be maximally utilized.

The activity is expected to spark a sense of care for the environment and raise awareness to reduce the use of plastic waste which is increasingly having a negative impact on nature.

In addition, Gertakan ‘Sampah Plastik’ can be an effort to support the Sustainable Development Goals program point 13, handling climate change, which starts from a small scope of students for a cleaner future. (IAAS/Ard)