Here are the Impressions and Expectations of Disabled Participants Following UTBK-SNBT at IPB University

Two participants with disabilities, Muhammad Ihsan Dzaki and Ananda Aulia, with visual impairment from Bogor took the Computer-Based Test Examination – National Selection Based Test (UTBK-SNBT) at IPB University Vocational School Campus, Bogor on Thursday 2/5.
Elok, the mother of Muhammad Ihsan Dzaki, said that her son was motivated to take part in the selection because from his childhood his son attended public schools, his friends were mostly in normal conditions so she was sure that when he went to college he could be equal to his friends. “He has a desire to pursue education to a higher level so today he participated in the UTBK selection,” said Elok.
Furthermore, Elok expressed her gratitude that her son got a selection place at the Vocational School of IPB University. She said the facilities at the location were very supportive for participants with disabilities, the provided computer also had a special screen reader for the visually impaired.
“I hope my son will find it easy and smooth in his selection and can be accepted at the university of his dreams. My son has an interest in Communication, he wants to be a voice over and wants to be a lecturer,” she said.
When asked about his impression of participating in the UTBK selection, Muhammad Ihsan said, “It was fun, the exam questions were quite challenging. Hopefully I can get the best score and be accepted at the university I want,” said Ihsan.
Meanwhile, Warni, the mother of disabled participant Ananda Aulia, said that although Ananda is blind, she has a high interest in writing. Ananda has won national level awards in writing, many writings from her work. Not only that, but at school Ananda is always ranked in the top 10.
“I hope my daughter can get the best, the best way to achieve her goals. I am satisfied that my daughter can be selected at the Vocational School of IPB University, the disability facilities that were provided are good, starting from laptops, companions, so that my daughter only has to sit and focus on doing the exam,” said Warni.
Regarding the test that was followed, Aulia said, “Alhamdulillah, the test went well, hopefully I can be accepted at the university that I want and can be useful for the society,” said Ananda. (dh/Lp) (IAAS/PRP)