FEM’s 23rd Anniversary, Sandiaga Uno Invites IPB to Realise a Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Economy

FEM’s 23rd Anniversary, Sandiaga Uno Invites IPB to Realise a Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Economy

Dies Natalis FEM ke-23, Sandiaga Uno Ajak IPB Wujudkan Ekonomi yang Resilien, Inklusif dan Berkelanjutan

Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf), Sandiaga Uno invites IPB University to jointly realise a resilient, inclusive and sustainable national economy. This condition can be achieved with a strategy of innovation, adaptation and collaboration.

This was conveyed through video tapping in the 23rd Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) of IPB University at the FEM Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor (22/5).

“To achieve economic resilience, it is necessary to diversify the economy, invest in disaster-resistant infrastructure and strengthen sectors that are the backbone of our economy,” he said.

Sandiaga said that every individual and group has the same opportunity to be involved and enjoy the results of the economy. This inclusiveness, according to him, requires policies that support equal access to education, job training and capital.

“We must ensure that economic growth becomes the responsibility of the younger generation to maintain natural resources that will bring long benefits,” he said.

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria on the occasion said that Indonesia will become a great country in 2045. The condition is that economic growth reaches 5-7 per cent.

“This will happen if we have quality economic growth of 5-7 per cent. We take advantage of the demographic bonus this year so that we can become trendsetters of change for the progress of the nation,” he said through video tapping of the 23rd Anniversary of FEM IPB University.

Moreover, Prof Arif said that FEM IPB University is a strong pillar in supporting agromaritime in Indonesia.

“This is where it is important to develop new sciences, transdisciplines that can integrate global challenges, climate change, industrial revolution 4.0 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This challenge is a new direction for FEM IPB University so that it can play an important role in the future,” he said.

Dean of FEM IPB University, Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik, said the faculty was present to encourage scientific architecture to create diverse and innovative cultural people in thought, science, policy, and strategic sector development. This aims to improve the nation’s welfare.

“This year, we are improving the quality of education with the support of IPB University through four international study programmes. We will also initiate an international community service programme in Thailand and Malaysia,” he said.

In this 23rd Anniversary of FEM, there was also the launch of the Orange Book, book screening by FEM lecturers, the launch of the Sharia Microeconomics Book, and the launch of the Sekoci Amanah Sharia Life Insurance Programme for 1,000 IPB University students. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)