Enthusiastic IPB University Students Follow ‘Bedah Kebun’ in Bojong Jengkol Village

Enthusiastic IPB University Students Follow ‘Bedah Kebun’ in Bojong Jengkol Village

Antusiasme Mahasiswa IPB University Ikuti ‘Bedah Kebun’ di Desa Bojong Jengkol
Student Insight EN

The Directorate of Agro Maritime Community Development (DPMA) of IPB University held a ‘Bedah Kebun’ activity in Bojong Jengkol Village, Ciampea District, Bogor Regency, West Java. The activity aims to utilize empty land into productive land by planting agricultural commodities that already have a market.

A total of 17 IPB University students participated in this activity with great enthusiasm. They were enthusiastic in every process of land cultivation, from weeding weeds to plowing the land using a tractor. Their presence also provided enthusiasm and positive energy in carrying out this Bedah Kebun activity.

One of the participants, Hadi, expressed his impressions and hopes for this activity. “I feel happy to be able to participate in ,activities that benefit the community. I hope the results of this activity can have a positive impact on local residents and also be a valuable experience for us students,” he said enthusiastically.

The Directorate of Agro Maritime Community Development (DPMA) IPB University Social Entrepreneurship Supervisor, Muhammad Isbayu conveyed the importance of utilizing existing land optimally to support food security and improve community welfare.

“We hope that through this activity, previously unproductive land can become land that provides economic benefits to the local community and has a positive impact on the environment,” he said.

In addition, this Bedah Kebun activity is also part of Directorate of Agro Maritime Community Development (DPMA) IPB University’s efforts to invite students to be actively involved in real actions related to community development, especially in the agro maritime sector.

“Hopefully through activities like this, students can implement the knowledge and skills they have gained in college to make a real contribution to sustainable development,” said Isbayu.

The Bedah Kebun activity ran smoothly and successfully. The participants, including Directorate of Agro Maritime Community Development (DPMA) IPB University students and administrators, left Bojong Jengkol Village with a feeling of satisfaction and hope. They promised to continue to support and participate in similar activities in the future to achieve the common goal of developing agro maritime potential in Indonesia.

According to Danang Aria Nugroho as the Supervisor of Agro Maritime Services of DPMA IPB University, this Bedah Kebun activity is also a means for students to gain hands-on experience in agriculture. In addition, it is also to increase their awareness of the importance of food security.

“We hope the students can gain new insights and improve their skills in managing agricultural land,” he added. (*/Rz) (IAAS/HLF)