Encouraging MBKM, Strengthening the Competitiveness of Graduates in DUDI, IPB Job Fair 2024 Holds MSIB Socialization

Encouraging MBKM, Strengthening the Competitiveness of Graduates in DUDI, IPB Job Fair 2024 Holds MSIB Socialization

Gelorakan MBKM, Perkuat Daya Saing Lulusan di DUDI, IPB Job Fair 2024 Gelar Sosialisasi MSIB

Still in the framework of IPB Job Fair 2024, the Directorate of Student Affairs of IPB University held an online socialization of the Certified Internship and Independent Study (MSIB) program, Tuesday (21/5).

One of the flagship programs of Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) is considered to open up interesting opportunities for final year students who want to be more competitive and have a fast career after graduation.

Operations Manager of MSIB Kemdikbudristek, Ria Aprilia, said students will get a myriad of benefits if they join the MSIB program. One of them gets a direct offer or gets a golden ticket from a partner company to work, even before graduation.

“Program participants will be involved in completing real projects given by the industry, guided by experienced professional mentors. This internship-based project is also given value and recognition equivalent to semester credit units (SKS) during the program,” she explained.

“Moreover, MSIB alumni can shorten the waiting period in getting a job after graduating from college to 1.1 months compared to the national waiting period of 4 months,” Ria said.

She added that the estimated first salary after graduation can reach 1.78 times the provincial minimum wage (UMP), greater than the average of 0.72 times UMP. Other benefits include competency certification and non-academic degrees, networking through the MSIB Alumni Space across Indonesia, and ensuring ‘vertical mobility’ or ease of promotion.

“MSIB is a program that aims to not only give students the opportunity to do internships with final projects at leading companies, but at the same time strengthen Indonesia’s digital talent,” she said.

In addition, the benefits of MSIB can also be felt by partner universities in realizing links and matches. On the other hand, it also has an impact on the achievement of key performance indicators (KPI), specifically on KPI 1, KPI 2, and KPI 6. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/NYS)