Department of MSP, LRI i-MAR, PKSPL IPB University Build Cooperation with INOS-UMT

Department of MSP, LRI i-MAR, PKSPL IPB University Build Cooperation with INOS-UMT

Departemen MSP, LRI i-MAR, PKSPL IPB University Bangun Kerja Sama dengan INOS-UMT

The Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University in collaboration with the International Research Institute (LRI) Maritime, Marine and Fisheries (i-MAR), and the Centre for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL) had the opportunity to build cooperation with the Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS)-Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT).

The collaboration began with a joint collaboration to hold a public lecture. This event was conducted by experienced fisheries and marine resource persons, Prof Mohd Fadzil Mohd Akhir and Prof Wan Izatul Asma from INOS-UMT. This public lecture was held at the Ichsan Effendi Discussion Room, Department of Aquatic Resource Management (MSP) IPB University and virtually via Zoom Meeting. As many as 235 participants were registering to take part in this event.

Professor of the Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP) IPB University as well as Chairman of LRI i-MAR IPB University, Prof Luky Adrianto welcomed the invited guests who attended. A number of academics, both lecturers and students of the Indonesian Department of Aquatic Resource Management, as well as foreign students from the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum, namely students of the Coastal and Marine Resource Management (SPL) Master Study Programme from various small island countries, participated. Also present were representatives from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP).

In his speech, Chairman of the Department of Aquatic Resources Management IPB University, Prof Hefni Effendi said, “The topics presented in this activity will be very useful, especially in the field of fisheries regulation and how to face the challenges of fisheries and marine in the future.”

Also present was the Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University, Prof Fredinan Yulianda who said that the sea is one of the great resources that are very beneficial to humans. Some 70 per cent of the earth is sea. This has led to the need for strong regulation of management in the face of various challenges, one of which is environmental pollution and human activities that can damage the aquatic environment.

Prof Mohd Fadzil Mohd Akhir from INOS-UMT as the first speaker opened the public lecture session by presenting the uniqueness of marine islands: the challenges and potentials.

“There are three changing ecosystems in water conditions including increasing sea temperatures, fisheries resources/ocean productivity and sea level rise. The potential of oceanic fisheries is renewable energy and blue economy,” he said.

The second speaker, Prof Wan Izatul Asma, a professor of law and Chair of the INOS Centre for Ocean Governance, delivered her presentation entitled Meeting Points in Science Policy Through Ocean Governance.

“There are seven results of ocean decades, namely clean oceans, healthy and resilient oceans, productive oceans, predictable oceans, saving oceans, accessible oceans and inspiring and interesting oceans,” said Prof Wan.

The activity was closed by the Chairman of the Centre for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL) IPB University, Prof Yonvitner who expressed his appreciation to the speakers and the participants who attended. ‘Hopefully in the future this cooperation will continue. Hopefully IPB University can make a major contribution to the fisheries and marine fields, and prevent damage to the aquatic environment based on the latest innovations,’ he concluded. (HEF/Rz) (IAAS/RSL)