Department of Forest Management IPB University Organises Public Lecture on Forestry Business Management

Department of Forest Management IPB University Organises Public Lecture on Forestry Business Management

Departemen Manajemen Hutan IPB University Selenggarakan Kuliah Umum Manajemen Bisnis Kehutanan

Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) IPB University organised a public lecture on Forestry Business Management. The public lecture was aimed at students of the Postgraduate Doctoral programme who took Forestry Business Management courses.

Executive Vice President of PT PLN, Dr Herry Nugraha, emphasised the urgency of developing the wood energy business in Indonesia in order to achieve the 2030 NDC and 2060 NZE emission reduction targets. One of the strategic steps he proposed was the practice of biomass co-firing in Steam Power Plants (PLTU).

“Not only does it aim to reduce carbon emissions, it also creates employment opportunities and strengthens the green circular economy,” said the PLN Institute of Technology lecturer.

The programme is expected to have a positive impact not only in reducing energy sector emissions, but also in other sectors such as FOLU and agricultural waste management, by involving local actors such as micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

Dr Herry explained that the implementation strategy includes increasing the production and use of biomass in PLTU by gradually reducing the use of coal, as well as regulating the purchase of biomass in accordance with the maximum price set.

“Collaboration with local governments and communities, such as the General Electric Vernova (GEV) project in Gunung Kidul, is a clear example of how biomass ecosystems can be developed to support the energy transition,” he explained.

Through the proposed waste management programme, the use of biomass from agricultural and plantation waste at the power plant is expected to significantly reduce emissions. As such, the development of wood energy businesses in Indonesia through biomass co-firing at power plants offers great potential to reduce emissions, create jobs, and support the overall transition to clean energy.

Dr Drasospolino, Secretary of the Directorate General of Sustainable Forest Management, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), at the public lecture explained the multi-business forestry policy that marks a paradigm shift in natural resource management. According to Dr Drasospolino, the history of forest management reflects a journey from resource exploitation to an emphasis on sustainability and economic, social and environmental added value.

“The post-reform era brought recognition of the importance of involving local communities and decentralising power in forest management. Today, multi-business forestry is not only about business diversification, but also the integration of information technology, partnerships, and sustainability practices,” he said.

To achieve this, he explained, there are challenges that need to be overcome. Starting from achieving a balance between the economy and the environment, managing land use conflicts, to limited infrastructure and accessibility.

This requires collaboration across sectors and levels of government as well as investment in regulations, community empowerment, promotion of business diversification, and infrastructure development. “With these steps, it is hoped that the development of multi-business forestry will be more sustainable and provide more equitable economic benefits,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)