Department of Forest Management IPB University Holds Public Lecture on System Modeling for Forestry and Environment

Department of Forest Management IPB University Holds Public Lecture on System Modeling for Forestry and Environment

Departemen Manajemen Hutan IPB University Adakan Kuliah Umum Pemodelan Sistem Untuk Kehutanan dan Lingkungan

Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB University held a public lecture for master and doctoral programs of Forest Management Science Study Program. The public lecture was held online on 3/5 which was opened directly by the Chairman of the Forest Management Department of IPB University, Dr Soni Trison.

“The public lecture program is a teaching practitioner program in collaboration with the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN), the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and others. The Department of Forest Management starting this next semester has many activities for master and doctoral programs. These activities are held based on the dynamics in the field so that they are needed by the market and the environment,” said Dr Soni Trison.

The public lecture presented BRIN researcher Dr Aswandi, who explained about System Modeling for Forestry and Environment. “A model is a simplification of the real world. Simplification is done because the real world looks very complex and complicated so it requires simplification,” said Dr Aswandi.

He continued, modeling is done to be able to simulate and be able to change variables according to our wishes. Modeling is done to make decisions so as to get a solution from the projection.

“Meanwhile, system analysis is a unity of theories and techniques to study, describe and make predictions about something complex, which is usually characterized by mathematical procedures. In addition, this system approach is also flexible so that it can be used both mathematically and non-mathematically,” he explained.

Aswandi explained five stages in modeling, namely, identification of issues, goals and limits, model conceptualization, model specialization, model evaluation, and model use.

“System modeling for forestry and environment is an important tool in understanding the complexity of interactions between environmental and forestry factors. By using a modeling approach, we can identify patterns, predict the impact of certain policies or actions, and design more effective strategies for natural resource management,” Dr Aswandi explained. (*/Lp) (IAAS/PRP)