Eid al-Adha is Approaching, Here Are Tips for Choosing Sacrificial Animals from an IPB University Expert

Eid al-Adha is Approaching, Here Are Tips for Choosing Sacrificial Animals from an IPB University Expert

Iduladha Semakin Dekat, Ini Dia Tips Memilih Hewan Kurban dari Pakar IPB University

As Eid al-Adha approaches, Muslims are beginning to select livestock for sacrificial animals. The selection process for sacrificial animals should not be taken lightly because the act of sacrifice is a highly anticipated annual religious observance. If the chosen animal does not meet religious requirements, the sacrificial act may be deemed invalid.

To prevent this, Muhamad Baihaqi SPt, MSc, a lecturer from the Department of Animal Production and Technology at IPB University, advises that buyers must be aware of the legal requirements for livestock to be used as sacrificial animals. According to him, these are the fundamental guidelines for those intending to perform the sacrifice.

“First, we must know the criteria for valid sacrificial animals, which include being physically healthy, of sufficient age, without defects, and several other important factors that must be ensured,” he explained.

In detail, Baihaqi noted at least five key aspects buyers should consider when choosing a sacrificial animal. He mentioned that buyers should assess the health of the animal. “The general public can visually inspect the animal’s health by observing its posture and appetite,” Baihaqi said.

The IPB University lecturer explained that eligible sacrificial livestock must have an Animal Health Certificate (SKKH) issued by the Department of Animal Sciences. This certificate serves as proof that the livestock is indeed healthy and of the age desired by the buyer.

Regarding age, he continued, livestock such as cattle exhibit specific characteristics when they reach the appropriate age, such as having a pair of permanent incisors that have replaced the milk teeth. These permanent teeth are typically larger than the others.

Baihaqi also emphasized the importance of examining the type and physical condition of the prospective sacrificial animal. By knowing the breed or strain of the livestock, buyers can estimate the amount of meat it will yield. For example, a 300 kg Bali cow will have a higher meat percentage than a 300 kg Simmental cow due to differences in their skeletal structures.

“Regarding weight, buyers should know the exact weight of the livestock they are purchasing, not just rely on appearance or estimation,” said Muhamad Baihaqi, a lecturer at IPB University’s Faculty of Animal Sciences.

In addition to weight, buyers should also assess the fat level of the livestock. Animals of the same weight can have different fat levels. For instance, in cattle, buyers can check the bones and back of the animal. If the ribs are not too visible and the back appears solid or full, it indicates a good fat level.

“Prospective buyers should also know about the animal’s maintenance before slaughter. This is related to the nutrition that the livestock receives. The nutrition of sacrificial animals must be maintained until the slaughtering process. This is related to the overall health of the livestock and the final weight at the time of slaughter,” Baihaqi concluded. (/ra) (IAAS/RUM)