Retired Employees of IPB University Share Blessings Through Friday Blessing Program

Since March 2020, the Association of Retired Employees of IPB University (P3IPB) has initiated the Friday Blessing Program (PJB). This program regularly distributes aid in the form of food packages. Especially during the fasting month, in addition to opening meals/drinks, P3IPB also distributes staple food packages through this program.
For example, on the last Friday of the previous Ramadan, the PJB team of P3IPB distributed Eid packages containing flour, sugar, cooking oil, butter, noodles, tea, syrup, and biscuits to the less fortunate in Kampung Manggis Dramaga and the orphanage in Sindang Barang, Bogor.
Since April 2023, the coordinators of this program have been Siti Madanijah and Etang Rokayah. Siti Madanijah mentioned that this program is intended for the less fortunate, families affected by layoffs, street sweepers, parking attendants, travelers, pesantren institutions, mosque congregants, and others in the vicinity of the campus and elsewhere.
During disasters, she continued, the Friday Blessing Program of P3IPB also assists areas affected by natural disasters, such as during landslides in Leuwisadeng, Bogor Regency, on the slopes of Gumati in the Paledang area of Bogor City, flash floods in Cicurug, Sukabumi Regency, lahars from Mount Semeru in Probolinggo/Lumajang Regency, and earthquakes in Cianjur.
“This program would not be possible to continue without the help of our members and non-members who have set aside a portion of their income to be donated through P3IPB,” she explained.
“Therefore, we extend our deepest appreciation and thanks. For those of you who are willing to continue participating, you can leave your donations at the P3IPB Secretariat in the IPB University Housing (Perumdos) in Darmaga Campus, Palem Street No. 4, every Tuesday between 09.00-13.00 WIB,” she concluded. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)