Present at IPB University, Minister of Environment and Forestry discusses Indonesia’s Success in Controlling Forest and Land Fires

Present at IPB University, Minister of Environment and Forestry discusses Indonesia’s Success in Controlling Forest and Land Fires

Hadir di IPB University, Menteri LHK Bahas Keberhasilan Indonesia dalam Pengendalian Karhutla

IPB University in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and Media Indonesia organized Talkshow Pesona Kampus Hijau Series-1 at IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor (27/3). This talkshow discussed Indonesia’s success in controlling forest and land fires (karhutla).

Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof Siti Nurbaya Bakar revealed that this event aims to disseminate information and appreciate all parties involved in forest fire management in Indonesia.

She said this initiative was in line with the award given by IPB University to those who played a role in handling forest and land fires in Indonesia. “The role of IPB University, especially the Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) is very important, and we are grateful for its contribution,” she said.

Prof Siti Nurbaya continued that the current focus is on a deeper understanding of the linkages between issues such as forest fires, peat management and other challenges. She said all universities and practitioners in the forestry sector are dealing with major challenges such as fires, floods and landslides.

“Indonesia has committed to reducing global emissions and the impacts of climate change, in accordance with the mandate of the MoEF sector under the 1945 Constitution. Our hope is to achieve the net zero emission target by 2060,” he emphasized.

In this event, Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria explained that environmental change is one of the causes of forest fires. According to him, the root of this problem can be responded to by modernizing technology and political ecology.

“This scientific approach can help overcome forest fires. The impact of environmental change will be felt by different segments of society,” he said.

Prof Arif continued, “The community is the main actor affected by environmental change. Solutions from the political ecology approach include improvements in governance and a complementary legal system.

“Land conversion is one of the structural approaches that involves spatial planning, law and regulation. IPB University plays a role in presenting technological innovations to respond to this challenge,” he said.

Media Indonesia News Director Abdul Kohar said the discussion on how Indonesia managed to overcome forest and land fires is an important milestone that is often forgotten.

In 2006, forest and land fires in Indonesia reached alarming levels. With countermeasures from various stakeholders, the level of forest and land fires during the El Nino in 2019 was reduced to a much lower level.

“However, we still hope to achieve zero El Nino events in the future so there will be more good news. The more good news that is spread, the more reasons for Indonesia to smile,” he explained.

On the other hand, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Dr Bambang Hendroyono said that the control of forest and land fires is highly dependent on peat ecosystems, with a focus on handling peat and minerals after a fire occurs.

“The success in handling forest and land fires is largely due to good governance from KLHK. Cooperation between various parties in the field is the key in controlling forest and land fires, with collaboration between ministries and various stakeholders that continues to be maintained,” he explained. (dr) (IAAS/ZQA)