Meeting with Mass Media, Rector of IPB University Mentioned to Open New School and Proposed Dramaga University Town

Meeting with Mass Media, Rector of IPB University Mentioned to Open New School and Proposed Dramaga University Town

Temu Media Massa, Rektor IPB University Sebut Akan Buka Sekolah Baru dan Usulkan Dramaga University Town

The leaders of IPB University attended the gathering as well as breaking the fast together with mass media journalists. This was in order to appreciate mass media journalists who have committed to being partners to disseminate information about IPB University’s policies and activities to the public. The activity was held at the Science and Technology Area Institute (LKST) Taman Kencana, Bogor, on 30/3.

The leaders present were Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria; Vice Rector for Resource and Infrastructure Resilience, Dr Alim Setiawan Slamet; Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Agromaritime Development, Prof Ernan Rustiadi; Vice Rector for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni Relations, Prof Iskandar Z. Siregar; Secretary of the Board, Prof Agus Purwito; and Chair of the Bureau Communication, Ir Yatri Indah Kusumastuti.

“We express our gratitude and appreciation to the journalists who play an important role in disseminating information. With the support of mass media, we can improve public information dissemination and also increase the level of public trust,” said Prof Arif.

In a casual conversation with journalists, the Rector of IPB University shared several things related to various sciences that are being developed at IPB University in an effort to respond to the needs of the times.

“The sciences that will be developed include the establishment of two new schools, which is the development of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), namely the School of Data Science, Mathematics and Informatics and the second is the School of Engineering,” he said.

In addition, the rector said that he would open a study program on artificial intelligence, to be able to adapt to technological developments and answer various problems and the needs of society in the future.

“Currently, IPB University has also proposed with the Bogor Regency Government Dramaga University Town, an organized regional development planning concept so that Dramaga will become a more organized area,” said Prof Arif. (IAAS/ZQA)