IPB University Hosts the National Meeting of Quality Assurance Network of PTNBH
IPB University was trusted to host the 3rd National Meeting of Quality Assurance Network (JPM) of Legal Entity State University (PTNBH) in 2024. The event was held at the IPB International Convention Center (23-24/4) and attended by 19 Quality Assurance Institutions of PTNBH throughout Indonesia.
Dr I Wayan Nurjaya, Chairman of Quality Management Office (KMM) IPB University said, the 3rd National Meeting of JPM PTNBH can be a forum for coordination, discussion media and sharing experiences and implementation of new regulations and policies set by the government relating to quality assurance.
“This National Meeting is a follow-up to the decision of the JPM PTNBH II meeting at Hasanuddin University Makassar to get enlightenment on various PTNBH quality assurance issues. We, KMM IPB University, have the mandate to invite speakers from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT),” he said.
This event, he continued, was the third after being conducted previously at the Bandung Institute of Technology and Hasanuddin University Makassar.
The Secretary of the Institute (SI) of IPB University, Prof Agus Purwito when opening the event conveyed that this meeting was important for participants of higher education quality assurance actors. This is because there are many questions about new policies related to quality assurance that can be explained by the speakers.
The speakers who attended the meeting were the Director of the BAN-PT Executive Board, Prof Ari Purbayanto and a member of the BAN-PT Executive Board, Prof Slamet Wahyudi.
“We would like to thank the quality assurance teams of universities that play an important role in overseeing the quality of universities, as well as implementing the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) process continuously,” he said.
He also appreciated the quality assurance team for their enthusiasm in carrying out accreditation and certification, increasing accreditation to international accreditation. Even to oversee the completeness of the Higher Education Database and organize teaching and learning evaluations so that quality runs well.
“This event is a good opportunity to explore information related to various latest policies from resource persons who are Directors of the BAN-PT Executive Board and Members of the BAN-PT Executive Board so that it can facilitate the implementation of quality assurance,” he added.
Prof Ari Purbayanto on that occasion said that PTNBH as a leading university in Indonesia should set a good example. For him, policy changes are common. Gathering the PTNBH network in terms of quality assurance will provide good lessons. In another sense, the participants do not want to be left behind in changing the rules.
“Coordination is important, changes in the rules should not make the spirit recede, PTN-BH must show its leading in terms of superior quality culture,” said the Professor of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University.
Prof Ari also said, there are still many universities that adhere to the minimalist principle. Therefore, he said, “This must be encouraged and given an example by PTNBH so that they continue to improve quality.”
“The spirit of PTNBH must be maintained so that it can transmit a culture of quality to other universities. The spirit is applied to the entire community by having a good quality culture,” he said. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/FAE)