Impressive! IPB University Students Successfully Export Healthy Chips Products to the United States, Rector is Proud

Impressive! IPB University Students Successfully Export Healthy Chips Products to the United States, Rector is Proud

Keren! Mahasiswa IPB University Berhasil Ekspor Produk Healthy Chips Perdana ke Amerika Serikat, Rektor Bangga

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria officially released the export of Healthy Chips products from PT Export Tani Nusantara (Future Agri) managed by IPB University students to the United States. Healthy Chips is a healthy chips product from fruits and vegetables.

“Alhamdulillah, I am very proud today to witness the export to the United States of products from Future Agri. This is a company managed by IPB University students which is indeed the result of the entrepreneurship development process at IPB University,” said Prof Arif in his speech, (27/3).

Prof Arif said, IPB University since 2018 has conducted talent mapping of new students. The results of talent mapping are used as the basis for the preparation of student programmes, including programmes related to entrepreneurship. With this programme, IPB University seeks to create entrepreneurs by design.

“I hope this is a momentum, because the vision of IPB University to become a techno sociopreneur university is a vision that must be seen in the field. God willing, the Innopreneurship Centre can already be used, now it just needs to be inaugurated. This is a place for students at IPB University to prepare a business,” he said.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana said that the Future Agri company managed by IPB University students was the result of the Startup School programme assistance. The company has exported several times, previously to Singapore, USA, Dubai, and China.

“This is certainly clear evidence of the entrepreneurial spirit among IPB University students. Under the coordination of the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa), IPB University continues to improve the entrepreneurial ecosystem with various activities such as system digitalisation through entrepreneur hubs and other programs such as Startup School, Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMW), and Wirausaha Merdeka,” said Prof Deni.

Prof Deni said the K2020 curriculum allows off-campus student activities in any field, including entrepreneurship, to be equalised with a number of semester credit units (SKS). This aims to support and develop student entrepreneurship.

Future Agri Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Al Fiqie thanked IPB University, HA IPB, and ABC HA IPB for providing facilities, access, and connecting to various parties such as investors and business mentors. He was grateful that Future Agri received intense mentoring at IPB University’s Startup School programme, which is managed by Ditmawa.

“We are incubated at Startup School, taught from the preparation, execution, and evaluation stages of the business, so that the many obstacles we feel can be resolved. This programme provides space for us to consult on an ongoing basis. As a result, we were able to achieve the business sustainability target that we had dreamed of,” he said.

In running his business, Al Fiqie is not alone. He is assisted by four other students, Muhammad Syihabuddin Balya, Rizvan Adrian Kurniawan, Siril Fuad, and M Fadhillah Hendri. They are students from the Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) across generations. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)