Faculty of Medicine IPB University Helps Trauma Healing Students of SMA Negeri 1 Ciampea

Faculty of Medicine IPB University Helps Trauma Healing Students of SMA Negeri 1 Ciampea

Fakultas Kedokteran IPB University Bantu Trauma Healing Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Ciampea

The collapse of the classroom roof that occurred at SMA Negeri 1 Ciampea some time ago, left trauma for students of class XI-9 SMA Negeri 1 Ciampea. As a form of concern, the Collaboration Team consisting of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) IPB University, Agrianita FK and PMI Bogor Hospital visited the scene to help trauma healing the students.

When visiting the area of the incident, information was obtained that there were as many as three students who had received medical treatment at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Leuwiliang Bogor with lacerations on the hands, wounds on the back and dislocated shoulders. Some students chose to come to a masseur with sprained hands and backs.

“We express our deep empathy for this disaster. We hope that the student victims affected by the disaster can rise again, the spirit to go to school again,” said the representative of the Dean of FK IPB University, dr Trisni Untari Dewi, SpFK during the visit (25/3).

“And of course FK IPB University today is present to reduce the discomfort experienced by students through sharing experiences with psychiatrists from FK IPB University,” he added.

The resource person present was Dr Riati Sri H, MSc, SpKJ, one of the lecturers of FK IPB University and a psychiatrist at PMI Hospital Bogor. In her presentation, she shared about ‘Relaxation Therapy to Overcome Stress’.

“Humans are always side by side with stress and other stressors. These stressful conditions require us to adapt to stressful events. The cause of stress can be the same, but individual responses can be different because there are different perceptions in each individual. Of course, a positive perception is expected so that the response to stressors becomes more adaptive,” he explained.

Regarding the disaster that occurred at SMA Negeri 1 Ciampea, the speaker added, the emergence of feelings of anxiety, fear and sadness when the disaster occurred was a natural initial reaction.

“However, if it is prolonged and disrupts sleep patterns, eating patterns, excessive fear, and even disrupts productivity, we recommend coming to a mental health professional for further treatment,” he explained.

In addition to the material presentation, the Collaboration Team of FK IPB University, Agrianita and the Bogor PMI Hospital team also conducted mass relaxation therapy for more than 300 class XI students and several teaching teachers.

“It is hoped that by getting to know relaxation therapy, students and teachers will be able to practice it themselves at home and be able to carry out initial therapy independently when facing stressful conditions,” added Dr Riati.

The mass therapy event was followed by a separate consultation session with five students who were directly affected by the disaster, accompanied by their homeroom teachers. This session aims to provide space for students to express emotions in front of professionals while a medical assessment of psychological conditions related to the disaster occurs.

Based on the counselling session, the Collaboration Team suggested bringing one of the students for consultation with a mental health professional due to excessive feelings of fear. Another student was advised to have a further physical condition examination due to being hit by the rubble.

“We are very grateful, because after today’s meeting, we can think of follow-up steps for our students,” said Trisnani, one of the teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Ciampea. (dr Riati/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)