After Kenya, Ghana and Nairobi, Now IPB University Opens Cooperation Opportunities with Ethiopia

After Kenya, Ghana and Nairobi, Now IPB University Opens Cooperation Opportunities with Ethiopia

Setelah Kenya, Ghana dan Nairobi, Kini IPB University Buka Peluang Kerja Sama dengan Ethiopia

IPB University received a visit from the Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to Indonesia, Prof Fekadu Beyene Aleka, at the IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor on 26/3.

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria welcomed the arrival of the Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to Indonesia. He said this meeting opens up opportunities for IPB University to be able to work together and perform at international level.

“Currently, we have students from Kenya, Ghana and Nairobi who are studying at IPB University,” he said.

Prof Arif continued that, IPB University will also design a sociopreneurship program to strengthen the relationship of social engagement and entrepreneurship that has a direct impact and is felt by the community. The program empowers farmers with an innovative approach to improving their welfare.

“We train farmers and help by purchasing their products to market through outlets and partners established with IPB University. In addition, we also support startups in developing research and innovation so that we present a Start Up Center,” explained by Prof Arif.

Prof Arif continued, IPB University currently also produces its own drinking water and sells it to the market. According to him, IPB University is still oriented to technology, innovation and adopts the best models to develop various products produced.

“There are several products from Indonesia that have opened factories in Ethiopia. This shows Indonesia’s contribution in local economic development in Ethiopia,” he also applied.

Meanwhile, Prof Fekadu Beyene Aleka, revealed that this is his first time visiting IPB University. According to him, there are various interesting potentials in this cooperation.

“In addition, the initiation of academic collaboration, student exchange, scholarships and research projects are things we want to emphasize in the future. We believe that partnerships in the field of agriculture have a great potential to have a positive impact,” he said.

Prof Fekadu continued, with this new cooperation model, it is expected to strengthen business and academic relations between Ethiopia and Indonesia.

“With the second largest population in the African continent, our focus is on education and development of science in various fields. Including the development of coffee, which can be a destination for industries in Ethiopia, so we hope to open up opportunities from this cooperation,” he said. (dr/Lp) (IAAS/IAN)