West Papua Governor Official, Ali Baham, Supports the Development of SPR IPB University in West Papua

West Papua Governor Official, Ali Baham, Supports the Development of SPR IPB University in West Papua

Pj Gubernur Ali Baham Dukung Pembangunan SPR IPB University di Papua Barat

The official Governor of West Papua, Drs Ali Baham Temongmere MTP gave full support to the implementation of the participatory learning program of IPB University’s School of People’s Empowerment (SPR) in his region. The implementation of SPR in West Papua Province was initiated by the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (PSP3) of IPB University in collaboration with the University of Papua (Unipa).

An important meeting between PSP3 IPB University led by Prof Muladno as well as the initiator of SPR, representatives of the National Solidarity of Alumni of the Indonesian People’s Livestock School (SASPRI) and representatives from Unipa took place at the West Papua Regional National Craft Council (Dekranasda) Office, Manokwari City. In this meeting, the Acting Governor was accompanied by the Chief of the Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA) Prof Charlie D Heatubun.

Prof Muladno reviewed, currently six SPRs spread across Tomage, Bomberay, Kokas, and Arguni districts of Fakfak Regency are underway since mid-November 2023. The six SPRs consist of 2 Agricultural SPRs (SPR-0301), 2 Livestock SPRs (SPR-1111) and 2 Village SPRs (SPR-0109).

“These six SPRs have shown indications of success in consolidating small farmers and ranchers and village residents to develop collective business in congregation through SPR,” he said.

Pj Governor gave high appreciation to PSP3 IPB University for its commitment in running the SPR program in Fakfak, West Papua, despite being in a remote area. The Acting Governor is fully committed to supporting this noble initiative to realize food sovereignty in the land of West Papua through SPR.

The results of the meeting with the Governor are expected to be a strong support for the implementation of the collaboration between PSP3 IPB University, SASPRI Nasional and Unipa to realize food sovereignty in West Papua Province.

The Governor’s view that the SPR approach is not mentoring but coaching is the basis for using the term “coaching” instead of the term “mentor”. The term “companion” was replaced because it was not cool enough according to the SPR facilitators in Fakfak District.

Prior to the meeting with the Pj Governor, Prof Muladno had a discussion with the Rector of Unipa, Dr Meky Sagrim, who was accompanied by leaders of the Unipa academic community. Also present were Arya Wishnuardi, SE, MSi and Mustaghfirin S Pi, MSi from SASPRI National. The important thing discussed in the meeting concerned the School of People’s Empowerment (SPR) with all its complementary institutional attributes such as SASPRI, the Strategic Alliance of Indonesian SPR Managers (Agrispina), the Village Economic Horizontal Integration System (Sinthesa) and the Chicken Industry Horizontal Integration System (Sinthia) as the media needed to realize sustainable food sovereignty in Fakfak Regency in particular and in West Papua Province in general.

As the National Guardian of SAPRI, Prof Muladno also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Rector of Unipa in the context of organizing the tridharma of higher education in a sustainable manner.

“Through SPR, the community began to be introduced to the importance of consolidating villagers, farmers, ranchers and fishermen to build a congregational collective business which is the core or spirit of SPR,” explained Prof Muladno.

In addition, he continued, local communities are also prepared to become part of the supply chain for the daily logistical needs (food) of the people of West Papua. This is done through the provision of stocks of rice, vegetables, fish and meat produced independently by local communities. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)