The First and Only in Indonesia, This is the Excellence of IPB University’s Resource and Environmental Economics Study Program

The First and Only in Indonesia, This is the Excellence of IPB University’s Resource and Environmental Economics Study Program

Pertama dan Satu-satunya di Indonesia, Ini Keunggulan Prodi Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan IPB University

IPB University organizes the Undergraduate Study Program (S1) of Resource and Environmental Economics (ESL) in order to realize the concept of sustainable development. Born as a pioneer, the Environmental Resource Economics Undergraduate Program is the first study program in Indonesia that focuses on scientific development in the fields of agricultural and food economics, natural resources and the environment. This study program is under the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM).

In addition to being the first, IPB University’s Environmental Resource Economics Study Program is also the only study program in Indonesia. This study program was established to answer and provide a deep understanding of how the economy can contribute positively without sacrificing environmental sustainability.

IPB University’s Environmental Resource Economics Study Program has received national and international recognition through ‘Superior’ accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and the Institute for Self-Accreditation of Business Management Economics and Accounting (Lamemba). In addition, international accreditation was obtained from AUN Quality Assurance (AUN-QA).

These advantages create a strong foundation for students to develop their competencies in a global scope. Not surprisingly, the career prospects for graduates of IPB University’s Environmental and Resource Economics Study Program are quite promising.

“ESL IPB University graduates can become analysts, planners, research assistants and sociopreneurs in the fields of agricultural economics, resources and the environment who are very flexible to apply for work in many national or international agencies or companies,” said Dr Ahyar Ismail, one of the lecturers of ESL IPB University.

He emphasized the flexibility of ESL IPB University graduates to apply for jobs both at the national and international levels. Students are not only given knowledge, but also practical skills to shape a better world through a deep understanding of economic, natural resource and environmental relationships. This adaptability is a significant plus in the midst of global work dynamics.

“I see that ESL Study Program has bright prospects in the future, especially considering the global urgency in realizing a green and sustainable economy. In this context, economic growth is expected to be achieved inclusively for current and future generations, while still preserving resources and the environment,” said Fikri Aldi Dwi Putro, one of the best graduates of FEM IPB University.

Today’s demands for sustainable development make the integration between economics and environmental science in IPB University’s ESL Program increasingly in the spotlight. With a unique mandate, strong accreditation and a brilliant alumni network, ESL IPB University has become a pioneer in shaping future leaders who are able to face global challenges with a sustainable outlook. (Lintang/Rz) (IAAS/HLF)