Startup Fostered by LKST IPB University Ready to Participate in Tech Planter 2024

Startup Fostered by LKST IPB University Ready to Participate in Tech Planter 2024

Startup Binaan LKST IPB University Siap Ikuti Tech Planter 2024

The Science and Technology Regional Institute (LKST) or Science Techno Park (STP) IPB received a visit from a delegation from Leave a Nest Malaysia on Thursday (7/3) at the Startup Center (GSC) Building, Taman Kencana Campus. The purpose of the visit is to socialize the Tech Planter program in Indonesia which will be held in July 2024 in Jakarta.

Tech Planter is a program to support creative, innovative ideas and startup development. The Leave a Nest team consisted of Mr Nur Ahmad Zaim Hussin (Director of Leave a Nest Malaysia), Mr Muhammad Basril bin Muhammad Asri (Education Development) and Dr Muhamad Ezral bin Ghazali (Education Development).

Vice Chairman of LKST IPB University for Business Incubators and Industrial Partnerships, Prof Rokhani Hasbullah welcomed the socialization of the Tech Planter program. He hopes that the Tech Planter competition can become a forum for startups to develop and expand relationships overseas.

“We hope that the tenants of IPB University’s business incubation program can participate in the Tech Plan Demo Day event which will be held in Jakarta on July 20 by preparing a pitch presentation and company profile flyer as well as possible,” he explained.

Carrying the theme of exploring deep tech and solving deep issues, the uniqueness of Tech Planter is creating an ecosystem that can develop science and technology-based innovations and startups. The Tech Planter team targets starting from early stage startups, pre-startup research teams, and mature stage startups.

The technology categories in the Tech Planter competition are manufacturing, robots, internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), agri-tech, bio-tech, health, life-tech, food-tech, care-tech, marine-tech, ecotech, and others.

Some of the benefits of this program include 1) getting an award for Grand Winner, 2) getting coaching and mentoring from professionals, 3) product development collaboration with large companies/industries in Asian countries and Japan, 4) product marketing collaboration between countries, and 5 ) investment opportunities from investors and/or venture capital (VC) from Japan.

Deva Primadia Almada, SPi, MSi as Assistant for IPB University’s LKST Business Incubator led the startup introduction session, Tech Planter presentation and discussion. He explained that as many as 31 startups fostered by LKST IPB University at GSC have the potential to participate in this program.

“In 2020, one of the startups fostered by LKST IPB University with the Green Well Infiltration Well product qualified as winner in the Tech Planter program. “Hopefully this year the startup supported by LKST IPB University can be one of the winners again,” said Deva.

The event ended with a visit to the inwall startup at GSC LKST IPB University. The Leave a Nest team appreciates the startup products, and hopes that many startups from LKST IPB University will register for the 2024 Tech Planter program. (stpipb/Rz) (IAAS/IYN)