SKHB IPB University Strengthens the Frontline of Beef Cattle Reproductive Health in South Sulawesi

SKHB IPB University Strengthens the Frontline of Beef Cattle Reproductive Health in South Sulawesi

SKHB IPB University Kuatkan Garda Terdepan Kesehatan Reproduksi Ternak Sapi Potong di Sulawesi Selatan

The Indonesia Australia Red Meat Cattle Partnership (RMCP) together with the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) IPB University organized training on cattle reproductive management for veterinarians, veterinary paramedics and inseminators in South Sulawesi Province.

The Livestock and Animal Health Service Office of South Sulawesi Province, the Veterinary Medicine Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University and the South and West Sulawesi branch of the Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) also supported the smooth running of this event. The number of participants consisted of 9 veterinarians, 2 veterinary paramedics, and 19 inseminators from 18 cities/districts in South Sulawesi.

Dean of SKHB IPB University, Dr drh Amrozi stated, RMCP support and experts from IPB University were presented directly to update and increase the capacity of the frontline in cattle reproductive health services in South Sulawesi.

“Thank you for the collaboration between RMCP, South Sulawesi Livestock and Animal Health Service Office, Hasanuddin University, and PDHI South and West Sulawesi branches. It is hoped that this training can provide a lot of useful knowledge and experience to all participants and can be applied directly in their respective work areas,” he explained.

The training lasted for six days, consisting of material sessions (3 days), followed by field practicum (3 days). The field practicum was conducted in three different locations, namely (1) the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of Artificial Insemination Services and Semen Production and the UPT of Livestock Breeding and Animal Feed Forage in Maros, (2) Smallholder Farms in Balusu Subdistrict, Barru District, and (3) Smallholder Farms in Tanete Riaja Subdistrict, Barru District.

In her speech, Chairperson of the Livestock and Animal Health Service Office of South Sulawesi Province, drh Nurlina Saking, MKes, MH also expressed her gratitude to SKHB IPB University and RMCP for organizing this training in the South Sulawesi region.

In addition, he also emphasized the importance of the training series for implementation in the field in an effort to increase the beef cattle population in South Sulawesi. “It is hoped that medical personnel participating in the training can contribute to improving the health and production of beef cattle in their respective regions,” she said.

Representative from RMCP, Maria Veronica explained that the collaboration with SKHB IPB University has been ongoing since 2019. Usually, training participants come from all provinces in Indonesia, but this time the training was special. The reason is that all training participants come from South Sulawesi, a province that is one of the largest slaughter cattle populations in Indonesia. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Ard)