Ready to Become a Student of Faculty of Medicine IPB University? Check the Differences with Others

Ready to Become a Student of Faculty of Medicine IPB University? Check the Differences with Others

Siap Jadi Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran IPB University? Cek Dulu Perbedaannya dengan Kedokteran Lain

IPB University made a new breakthrough through the opening of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) in 2023. In the first batch, a total of 50 students were accepted from 2,207 applicants. What are the advantages and differences between the Faculty of Medicine of IPB University and others? Let’s see the explanation below.

IPB University’s Undergraduate (S1) of Medicine Study Program (Prodi) is present to provide solutions to various challenges in the health and medical sectors. Its presence also strengthens the position of IPB University as a centre of excellence in the advancement of science, technology and community service.

The scope of Medicine IPB University is in the form of mastery of biomedical science, clinical applications and utilizing technology and entrepreneurship in the development of herbs for health.

The distinctive feature that distinguishes FK IPB University from others is that the curriculum is built with the concept of One Health. Not only learning to handle health problems in the aspect of human health, FK IPB University also pays attention to animal health and the environment in carrying out its profession.

Through the concept of One Health, IPB University Medicine can produce various advantages. Graduates can become doctors who have the ability to provide superior professional health services in herbal medicine and cooperation with various professions from various sectors in handling various health issues. In addition, the creation of quality researchers who have the understanding and ability to carry out leading research in herbal medicine.

IPB University Medicine graduates can also become drivers of social transformation and development who have a role as agents of change and community mobilizers. Based on medical ethics, with roles as professionals, communicators, collaborators, advocators, managers and leaders, aiming to realize optimal health services.

Wirayudha Erlangga Prayoga, one of the IPB University Ambassadors, also advised prospective students to join FK IPB University. “Why do I recommend that it is really worth it to enroll in FK IPB University, because first, from IPB University itself we already have good and very broad relationships to work together. Secondly, the facilities offered are also complete, not complete anymore, but new, comfortable classrooms and complete laboratory places,” said Wira when interviewed.

The medical education program at IPB University is divided into two stages, namely Undergraduate Medical Education and Professional Medical Education. The curriculum is designed based on the achievement of competencies that have been determined in the Indonesian Doctors Competency Standards (SKDI).

The implementation of this education is designed to provide space for prospective doctors to develop independent thinking abilities and skills. This is done by applying community-based learning strategies, learning flexibility, utilization of learning technology in the field of medicine, and collaborative learning with various partners at the national and international levels.

The curriculum itself uses an integrated block approach and includes 165 semester credit units (SKS) for the undergraduate medical program for 8 semesters, and 56 SKS for the medical profession program for 4 semesters. (Rosita/Rz) (IAAS/NYS)