PSP IPB University Holds SCUBA Diving Competency Certification for Students

PSP IPB University Holds SCUBA Diving Competency Certification for Students

PSP IPB University Adakan Sertifikasi Kompetensi Selam SCUBA bagi Mahasiswa

Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK), IPB University held a Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA) diving competency certification. This activity was organized through the Occupational Safety Laboratory and Underwater Observation Department of PSP IPB University.

“As a maritime country that has the largest coral reef area in the world, diving is currently one of the activities that is increasingly in demand. Safe and comfortable diving can only be obtained through a series of activities in standardized diving training,” said Dr Fis Purwangka, a lecturer at PSP IPB University who became a diving instructor in this activity.

From December 2023 to March 2024, IPB University’s Occupational Safety and Underwater Observation Laboratory has routinely held SCUBA diving training for A1 (One Star Scuba Diver) and A2 (Two Stars Scuba Divers) levels.

The A1 level is a beginner level with a diving limit of up to 60 feet (±18 meters). A2 is an advanced level that provides diving skills up to a maximum diving limit of 140 feet (±40 meters). At the A2 level, participants are also equipped with night diving and underwater navigation skills, either naturally and/or with an underwater compass.

This training requires participants to attend 12 Pool Skills Training (LKK), Diving Academic Knowledge (4 meetings), and Open Water Training (LPT). Pramuka Island in the Thousand Island was the location of the LPT, and the exam was held on March 2–3, 2024, by doing 5 dives for the A1 level and 3 dives for the A2 level.

The trainees consisted of 25 people at level A1 and 7 people at level A2, who were mostly members of the Himafarin Diving Club (HDC) at IPB University. HDC is one of the diving clubs at IPB University, which is in the Fisheries Resources Utilization Student Association (Himafarin).

The diving certificates awarded have been recognized nationally and internationally. The certificate is issued by the Indonesian Diving Sports Association (POSSI), affiliated with the World Underwater Federation-Confédération Mondiale Des Activités Subaquatiques (CMAS), commonly known as the POSSI-CMAS diving certificate.

Dr Fis Purwangka revealed that the training program aims to provide insight into underwater life and diving competence to participants according to the level of diving they follow. “Besides being useful for enjoying the beauty of underwater nature, this diving competence can also be used to conduct underwater research (scientific diving),” he said.

The element of safety is the main priority in this training. Therefore, in this training, he was also accompanied by two other dive masters, namely Hamba Ainul Mubarok (Education Personnel) and M Nur Iqbal (S2 student), as well as 13 mentors accompanying the trainees.

The participants, especially students, expressed their excitement after passing the exam. This excitement increases because, with the competencies they have obtained, participants can see firsthand the underwater world, which so far can only be seen through television broadcasts or social media. In addition, the number of hours of this competency training can also be equalized into semester credit units (SKS) in the Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) curriculum that is followed. (*/Rz) (IAAS/FAE)