Primatology Study Program SPs IPB University Holds Educational Seminar and Workshop in the Field of Primatology

Primatology Study Program SPs IPB University Holds Educational Seminar and Workshop in the Field of Primatology

Program Studi Primatologi SPs IPB University Adakan Seminar Edukasi dan Workshop Bidang Primatologi

Primatology Study Program (PRM), Graduate School (SPs) IPB University held an educational seminar and workshop with the theme Research Exploration Strategies and Funding in the Field of Primatology for Sustainable Nature Conservation. The activity was carried out in a hybrid manner at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Padjadjaran University (Unpad), Bandung (28/2).

This activity is a collaboration of PRM Study Program with Veterinary Medicine Study Program-Faculty of Medicine (PSKH-FK) Unpad and Primate Animal Study Center (PSSP) IPB University, and supported by Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) Bogor, Yayasan Nirwana Dondin Sajuthi (YNDS), PT Tekad Mandiri Citra (TMC) and attended by 496 participants.

Prof Agus Buono, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of SPs IPB University in his speech expressed his appreciation for the initiation of educational seminars and workshops that have been carried out by the PRM study program of SPs IPB University.

“This activity can provide maximum benefits for education in the field of primatology in Indonesia, especially at IPB University and Unpad. Of course, this activity is a promotional event, especially with institutions both government and private to increase the number of students, “he said.

Prof Agus Buono added that SPs IPB University welcomed the activity because it would open further cooperation. “One of the programs that has received recommendations from the government is the Domestic Double Degree (DD) program and PRM Study Program can do it with the study program at FK Unpad,” he explained.

“The program can be started by mutually recognizing credits taken by students that can be recognized both at IPB University and Unpad, besides that it can also design joint degree programs, credit earning, summer and winter courses, and joint supervision, so that it will provide benefits for both universities,” he added.

Dr Huda S. Darusman, Chairman of the PRM Study Program said that currently attention to primates in Indonesia continues to grow and the struggle in all sectors both private and government aims to provide maximum benefits.

“With this activity, we hope to knock on many doors and interest the participants about the field of primatology. In addition to the material in this educational seminar, we also provide coaching and discussion on how to prepare a research in the field of primatology,” he added.

Dr Huda S. Darusman explained that currently the issue of primatology is not only an issue of animals or an issue of exploitation but a bigger issue. “We are very grateful to the parties who have helped the implementation of this activity and also the speakers who have been willing to provide knowledge in this educational seminar and workshop, so that it can provide maximum benefits for all of us,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Dr Endang Yuni Setyowati, a representative of FK Unpad expressed his gratitude to the PRM Study Program. “Currently IPB University and Unpad already have a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), so if you want to continue cooperation that is more technical, it can be easily done,” he concluded. (HBL/Lp) (IAAS/NAU)