Only available at IPB University, This Rare Study Program is The Favorite of Prospective Students

Only available at IPB University, This Rare Study Program is The Favorite of Prospective Students

Hanya Ada di IPB University, Prodi Langka Ini Jadi Favorit Calon Mahasiswa

Family and consumer science is still very limited in Indonesia. Currently, the only study program that facilitates this science is developed by the Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University.

IPB University’s Bachelor of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK) program is the name. This study program was established in 2005 to develop science and technology in the field of family and consumers to realize family welfare. The focus is on developing the quality of children and empowering families and consumers.

Family and consumer science is studied in various fields including psychology, sociology, communication, management and economics. Students of this study program will pursue learning to strengthen family resilience, child quality and consumer empowerment through various programs to increase community empowerment.

“The courses taught are very useful for the environment and myself, such as courses on Parenting Styles, Human Growth and Development, Family Financial Management, Family Development and others,” said Farisa Dwi Elnora, one of the IKK alumnus and the Best Graduate of Fema IPB University.

Students’ ability to apply theories about family, child and consumer development is also honed through hands-on activities in the community.

“In addition to this study program there is only one in Indonesia, at IKK IPB University there are also things that are interesting and challenging for us, namely field activities to residential areas door to door,” said Dinda Nur Haliza, Outstanding Student of IKK Study Program in 2023.

Dinda continued, the field activities were carried out to find families, children and consumers as respondents, sources or subjects of student research or community empowerment programs.

This activity, she said, helps students to be able to provide alternatives to handling family, child and consumer problems for community development.

Currently, the IKK Study Program is also participating in increasing women’s empowerment by presenting a Gender and Family course that raises themes about gender equality in the family sphere. Efforts to empower women through teaching media are expected to help increase awareness of gender equality. The course is also a space for students to participate in realizing gender equality in the family as a basic step in community empowerment.

The superior competence of IKK IPB University graduates in the field of family and consumer science is able to open up broad job prospects. IKK alumni can have careers as academics, consultants, researchers, analysts, entrepreneurs, empowerment program managers, and empowerment experts in government and private institutions, especially in the family and consumer fields aimed at developing human resources. (Dita/Rz) (IAAS/NYS)