IPB University Vocational School and IBI Kesatuan Bogor Discuss Final Project of Applied Bachelor of Accounting

IPB University Vocational School and IBI Kesatuan Bogor Discuss Final Project of Applied Bachelor of Accounting

Sekolah Vokasi IPB University dan IBI Kesatuan Bogor Bahas Proyek Akhir Sarjana Terapan Akuntansi

IPB University Vocational School received a visit from the Accounting study programme, Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan Bogor (IBI Kesatuan), 14/3. The visit was conducted in order to discuss the Applied Bachelor Final Project, especially in the Accounting study programme.

Dr Rina Martini, Vice Dean of IPB University Vocational School for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni, revealed that IPB University Vocational School has experienced significant development since the completion of the transformation from the Diploma program. “We have developed into a vocational school with 16 study programmes that have become vocational, and one study programme is in the process of becoming vocational,” said Dr Rina.

In fact, the Digital and Media Communication and Accounting study programmes are among the top 10 with the most applicants at IPB University. “It shows that we are currently competing directly with S1,” said Dr Rina.

Meanwhile, Director of the Vocational Faculty of Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan (IBI Kesatuan), Dr Adil Fadillah, revealed that his institution had recently made the transition from diploma to vocational programmes. “We have recently made the transition from a high school to an institute with a vocational programme. Therefore, we still need experience, especially from IPB University Vocational School,” said Dr Adil.

The Chairperson of the Accounting Study Programme of IPB University Vocational School, Ratih Pratiwi, SE, MAk, in her presentation said that the students of IPB University Vocational School conduct the final project in the eighth semester. This is based on the consideration that from semester one to five, students get reinforcement in theory and practice.

“In the eighth semester, after students have carried out internship programmes in the sixth and seventh semesters, students can choose the final project in the form of work studies, final project internships, entrepreneurial activities, problem solving, applied research, action research, social engineering case analysis, and policy analysis,” Ratih said. (IAAS/RUM)