IPB University Receives Hyundai Staria Vehicle from KOICA to Support Research Capacity Strengthening

IPB University Receives Hyundai Staria Vehicle from KOICA to Support Research Capacity Strengthening

Dukung Penguatan Kapasitas Penelitian, IPB University Terima Kendaraan Hyundai Staria dari KOICA

IPB University conducted the handover of a Hyundai Staria vehicle from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) at the Dramaga Campus in Bogor on Thursday, March 14th. This activity is a follow-up to the collaboration between KOICA and IPB University in the IPB-Seoul National University (SNU) Center for Agriculture and Bioscience program.

IPB University Rector, Prof Arif Satria, expressed great appreciation to the KOICA and SNU teams for their dedication, guidance, and commitment to promoting the growth and development of the institution.

“The support provided by KOICA has played a significant role in empowering lecturers, researchers, and students to excel in their respective fields and make meaningful contributions to society. The handover of this vehicle is a commitment to its maximal utilization,” he said.

“I hope this vehicle can also be used to enhance service provision, thus providing sustainable benefits in the field,” he added.

The Director of KOICA Indonesia, Mr Yun Gil Jeong, expressed gratitude for the realization of this event. He stated that this activity symbolizes our strong commitment to enhancing the educational and research capacities in agriculture and biosciences at IPB University.

“I believe this project will strengthen research capacity, enhance international competitiveness, and develop industries in Indonesia,” he emphasized.

Mr Yun Gil Jeong further explained that to achieve this goal, KOICA, SNU, and IPB University have discussed ways to synergize with the flagship programs of the inter-institutional center for food security.

He mentioned that KOICA has also reviewed the construction of a new state-of-the-art laboratory building to connect KOICA projects with food security programs.

“This is the result of the positive future orientation of both KOICA and SNU, as well as the friendship between IPB University and our Korean partners. I am confident that KOICA and IPB University have a significant responsibility to successfully implement this project,” he concluded. (dr/Lp) (IAAS/Hap)