IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Training for Surveillance Audit ISO 21001-2018

IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Training for Surveillance Audit ISO 21001-2018

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Adakan Pelatihan untuk Surveillance Audit ISO 21001-2018

Postgraduate School (SPs) IPB University held a training activity to equalise the understanding and perception of internal auditors for ISO 21001-2018 surveillance audit at SPs IPB University Building, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor. This training invited guest speaker Dr Sapta Raharja, attended by leaders, chairmen and secretaries of multidisciplinary study programs (prodi) and educational staff (tendik) in the SPs IPB University environment.

The activity was opened by the Vice Dean of SPs IPB University for Resources, Cooperation and Development, Prof Titi Candra Sunarti. In his remarks he said that this internal audit was part of the annual evaluation of the ISO 21001: 2018 certification from Sucofindo International Certification Services that had been obtained by SPs IPB University.

“We will face Surveillance at the end of April 2024, so it is the obligation of SPs IPB University to conduct internal audits and records of previous monitoring and evaluation (monev) that have been carried out and improved,” he said.

Prof Titi Candra Sunarti added that the quality objectives compiled included the education and student affairs sub-section, the public relations sub-section, cooperation and admission of new students (PMB) and the finance, staffing and general sub-section.

“We need to reiterate that ISO 21001: 2018 is the scope of academic SPs IPB University and multidisciplinary study programmes under SPs IPB University,” she said.

Meanwhile, Dr Sapta Raharja said that being an auditor must know methods and techniques related to quality as well as its terminology, then the basics of quality management and its application, management tools and their application, “Finally processes and products, including services which include terminology in special sectors and technical characteristics about processes and products,” he added.

Dr Sapta Raharja added that to be an auditor must have attributes that are independent or impartial to the activities being audited, besides being objective, experienced, qualified to have a good understanding, clear, friendly, can organise themselves, firm, be a good listener and able to control the audit process remains under his control.

“While the bad attributes that need to be avoided as auditors are being too argumentative, always discussing the same issues from time to time, being excessive and too forgiving to the auditee,” he added. (HBL/Lp) (IAAS/RUM).