IPB University Holds a General Lecture about Future of Medical with the Minister of Health

IPB University Holds a General Lecture about Future of Medical with the Minister of Health

IPB University Adakan Kuliah Umum Kedokteran Masa Depan Bersama Menteri Kesehatan

Inviting the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), Budi Gunadi Sadikin, IPB University organised a public lecture attended by students and lecturers from various study programmes/faculties including the Faculty of Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Study Programmes of Biology, Biochemistry, Nutritional Sciences and students of the General Competency Education Programme. The public lecture was held on Thursday, 29/2 in the Auditorium Andi Hakim Nasution, Campus IPB Dramaga ni to discuss and discuss about the future of medicine.

In his speech, Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria expressed his gratitude to the Minister of Health who had taken the time to be able to share insights and visions about future medicine.

“Currently we are faced with one health-based health that combines human health and animal health. IPB University as an educational institution has a commitment to implement the one health concept,” he said.

He said that Indonesia has extraordinary biodiversity and the task of IPB University is to be responsible for being able to utilise biomass and various biological resources in Indonesia to be useful for health aspects.

“This is the era of industry 4.0 where artificial intelligence (AI), robotic, blockchain and the latest technology are now becoming increasingly important. Therefore, the direction towards precision medicine is a necessity, so PB University must be able to contribute to health development,” said Prof Arif.

Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin explained the material with the theme “The Direction of Future Medical Science Development” which was moderated by the temporary person in charge (PJs) of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of IPB University, Prof Srihadi Agungpriyono.

“The students who enter medicine are very good because it is important for Indonesia in the future in achieving golden Indonesia or can be called a developed country. To make Indonesia a developed country, one of the ways is to make our leaders healthy and smart. Health is one of the important factors because maintaining health can start since we were born,” he said.

He continued, health is important and is even mentioned in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number three. “What is important in the concept of health is to be able to keep people healthy instead of treating sick people and that is the basic philosophy for doctors,” said Budi.

“The Ministry of Health is committed to transforming the Indonesian health system on six pillars of transformation that support the Indonesian health system, namely, primary service transformation, referral service transformation, health resilience system transformation, health financing system transformation, health human resource transformation, and health technology transformation,” he said.

He mentioned, the transformation of health financing to ensure fair, effective and efficient financing, one of which is by accelerating the production of the National Health account (NHA) so that it can be used for sharpening health financing planning and intervention.

“I hope that later IPB University students who will become doctors can collaborate with each other, because I believe IPB University is one of the best universities that already has strength in the fields of mathematics, chemistry and biology, so that in the future there will be IPB University students who will replace my position to be able to share their knowledge with the community,” he said. (Lp) (IAAS/RUM)