IPB University Graduate School Invites WULS Delegates to Visit Several Campus Facilities

IPB University Graduate School Invites WULS Delegates to Visit Several Campus Facilities

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Ajak Delegasi WULS Kunjungi Beberapa Fasilitas Kampus

Graduate School (SPs) IPB University invited a group of delegates from Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS) to visit various campus facilities of IPB University. Some of the places visited were Science Techno Park (STP), Agribusiness and Technology Park (ATP), IPB Future Museum and Gallery.

Prof Agus Buono said that this visit aims to introduce innovation and business incubation in STP, agroedutourism development in ATP and the history of IPB University. “This visit is very important and is part of the initiation of international cooperation between SPs IPB University and WULS,” he said.

The visit at STP IPB University was welcomed by Prof Erika B Laconi, Chairperson of the Science and Technology Area Institute (LKST). She explained that STP IPB University was established in 2015 and is currently part of IPB University as LKST IPB University.

STP IPB University is an area dedicated and professionally managed for the development of innovation, business incubation and technology transfer in order to develop and encourage sustainable economic growth, “Welcome to STP, currently the focus areas developed by STP IPB University are tropical agricultural products, food, biosciences and marine,” said Prof Erika B Laconi.

In the museum and IPB Future Gallery, Fitra Khadijah, one of the guides, talked about the history of the birth and growth of IPB University. She also explained the various researches that are currently developing, especially those related to agromaritime. The delegates were also invited to see the projected development of IPB University in the future visually and audio-visually in the IPB Future Museum and Gallery.

“The IPB Future Museum and Gallery also presents information on IPB University’s contribution to Indonesia, such as history, international cooperation, innovations, up to the message of the President of Indonesia for IPB University, thus providing very complete information to delegates from WULS about IPB University,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Danang Aria Nugraha, MSi, Supervisor of Agromaritime and Digital Farming Services, said that ATP IPB University is currently developing a business ecosystem center. Not only that, ATP IPB University also develops community-based teaching factories, digital farming centers, agroedutourism, and internship programs. “Currently ATP IPB University has many products on the market and we partner with various supermarkets in the Jabodetabek area in marketing organic vegetable products from IPB University’s campus circle partners,” he added on a separate occasion.

In addition, the delegation team from WULS was also invited to the Bogor Botanical Garden which presents information about knowledge in the fields of botany, conservation, environment and plant utilization. (HBL) (IAAS/ZQA)