IPB University Communication Group Joins Communication Workshop from Two Public Relations Experts of Setditjen Diktiristek
Hundreds of participants who were members of the IPB University communication group participated in the Communication Workshop with the title “Becoming a Communication Person who is Responsive to Change”. The activity was held in Andi Hakim Nasution Building, Campus of IPB Dramaga, on Tuesday, 5/3.
The speakers who attended came from the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Higher Education Research and Technology (Setditjen Diktiristek) namely, Doddy Zulkifli Indra Atmaja, as the Sub-coordinator of Public Relations and Dinna Handini, as the Junior Expert Public Relations Officer.
In the opening of the activity, Prof Agus Purwito, as the Secretary of IPB University Institution expressed his pride in the communication group of IPB University which has contributed to the performance that has been done so far.
“In 2023 there were 41 awards obtained by IPB University in the field of communication. This proves that the role of the IPB University Communication Group has been extraordinary,” he said.
Furthermore, he conveyed that even though many awards have been received, there will be many challenges that must be anticipated in a rapidly changing era, so that a communication crisis has the potential to occur.
“The enlightenment of these two great speakers is important to understand as an effort to build creative ideas in the use of social media, information media, education, promotion, content creation, and social media channels, so that institutional branding can be well formed,” said Prof Agus.
Doddy Zulkifli Indra Atmaja, delivered material related to creative ideas for social media management. He conveyed the importance of public relations personnel to be directly involved in all social media. “We must try to get involved technically by using various social media, so we can know the advantages and disadvantages. That way we can easily create content and as communication people we can assess the perspective in using social media,” he explained.
He also said that public relations personnel are important to shape the organisation, in order to build credibility, shape and maintain the brand. “PR people also play a role as information facilitators so that they can open opportunities for cooperation and maintain good relations,” said Doddy.
Meanwhile, Dinna Handini explained material related to effective and solutive integrated services. In addition, she conveyed the role and function of government public relations which demanded that a public relations person must be versatile.
The Chief of the Communication Bureau of IPB University, Yatri Indah Kusumastuti, conveyed that in the future, inter-units at IPB University including faculties and departments must compile service standards, including the importance of standard operating procedures for social media. “Through this moment we need to close ranks to be able to collaborate so that communication strategies can be immediately harmonised from the centre to the faculties and departments,” she said. (dh/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)