IPB University Chemistry Study Program: The Gateway to Your Glorious Career!

IPB University Chemistry Study Program: The Gateway to Your Glorious Career!

Prodi Kimia IPB University: Gerbang Menuju Karier Gemilangmu!

Not only agriculture, IPB University also has study programs related to science. One of them is the Chemistry Study Program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). This study program can be the beginning of your successful career in the future.

The advantages of IPB University’s Chemistry Study Program include having achieved International Accreditation from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) United Kingdom for 2019-2024. ‘Unggul’ accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) was also successfully achieved in 2020-2024.

A number of achievements have also been made by IPB University Chemistry Study Program through the work of its civitas. Namely the gold medalist in the Student Science Olympiad, the gold medalist in the National Science Week (Pimnas) and the achievement in the Health Essay National Competition (HENCO). No less classy, the innovations of the lecturers were included in the 107 Most Prospective Innovations in Indonesia.

Chemistry IPB University has four scientific divisions, namely Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry. The basic competencies of graduates are tropical bioscience, agriculture and marine which have various research directions.

In addition to cooperation in the national arena that continues to be encouraged, IPB University’s Chemistry Study Program has also established various international collaborations. Such as with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Kyoto University, Osaka University, Nanyang Technological University Singapore and so on.

IPB University Chemistry Study Program is also a study program that provides S1-S2 Synergy Program (Fast Track). With this program, students can complete the S2 level in just 1 year.

The career prospects of Chemistry Study Program graduates vary from chemists, biochemical /biophysical experts, environmental scholars, clinical intellectuals, hydrological experts, biomedical experts, educators (lecturers/teachers), biotechnology researchers, pharmacologists and so on.

Indra Sugiarto, is one of the many Chemistry alumnus of IPB University who is successful in his career. Born in Purwokerto, Banyumas on October 14, 1988, Indra is known as a writer, influencer, motivator, trainer and entrepreneur. He is also the founder and CEO of Masuk Kampus.

“IPB University has played a lot of roles in shaping my personality. For me, this campus is extraordinary which has been present and provides a very broad path, an extraordinary gift when I can study at IPB University,” Indra said.

He admits, “Initially, my dreams were not this big, I didn’t even imagine that I would become a writer, a public speaker, and an entrepreneur who built my own business since college.”

As a writer, throughout his career Indra Sugiarto has written best-selling books that have always been the choice of readers. These include Teman Berjuang (2019), Tumbuh dari Luka (2019) and Berlari di Tengah Hujan (2020).

His love for IPB University motivated him to continue his postgraduate education at IPB University with the choice of Business Management Study Program. (Arya/Rz) (IAAS/HLF)